1.19.5: 2011-06-21 Murray Cumming <murrayc@murrayc.com> Require the latest libgdamm, for the GdaNull changes. * configure.ac: Require libgdamm 4.99.3 2011-06-17 Murray Cumming <murrayc@murrayc.com> Fix the tests after the libgdamm Null Value change. * tests/python/test_python_execute_script.cc: Do not try to instantiate a static Value instance because the constructor now needs the GType system to be initialized. 2011-06-17 Murray Cumming <murrayc@murrayc.com> Details: Make Primary Key ID values visible again. * glom/mode_data/datawidget/entry.cc: Use unset_color() instead of override_color(RGBA()); 2011-06-15 Murray Cumming <murrayc@murrayc.com> Fix the build with --enable-warnings=fatal with gtkmm 3.1. * glom/mode_data/box_data_details.[h|cc]: * glom/mode_data/db_adddel/db_adddel_withbuttons.[h|cc]: * glom/mode_design/layout/layout_item_dialogs/dialog_formatting.cc: * glom/utility_widgets/adddel/adddel_withbuttons.[h|cc]: Fix the build with --enable-warnings=fatal with gtkmm 3.1, by replacing Gtk::HButtonBox with ButtonBox and replacing get_vbox() with get_content_area(). 2011-05-12 Murray Cumming <murrayc@murrayc.com> Fix compiler warnings. * glom/mode_data/db_adddel/db_adddel.cc: * glom/mode_design/layout/dialog_layout_details.cc: * glom/report_builder.cc: * glom/utility_widgets/eggspreadtable/eggspreadtablednd.c (get_index_at_position): * tests/test_parsing_time.cc: Remove unused variables noticed by g++ 4.6. 2011-05-12 Murray Cumming <murrayc@murrayc.com> Require latest libepc. Because it uses avahi-ui-gtk3, which uses GTK+3. Otherwise we would be indirectl using both GTK+ 2 and GTK+ 3. 2011-04-19 Murray Cumming <murrayc@murrayc.com> Egg::SpreadTable: Add a test. * Makefile_tests.am: * glom/utility_widgets/eggspreadtablemm/test_preadtablemm.[h|cc]: Add a test based on the C test. It seems to work fine. 2011-04-19 Murray Cumming <murrayc@murrayc.com> Egg::SpreadTable: Derive from (and implement) Orientable. * glom/utility_widgets/eggspreadtablemm/eggspreadtablemm.[h|cc]: Use Orientable. 2011-04-18 Murray Cumming <murrayc@murrayc.com> Fix the make check build. * Makefile_glom.am: Create a variable for the eggspreadtable file list. * Makefile_tests.am: Use that variable here, so we link against the new files. 2011-04-18 Murray Cumming <murrayc@murrayc.com> EggSpreadTableDnd: Wrap the wiget_drop_possible signal. * glom/utility_widgets/eggspreadtablemm/eggspreadtabledndmm.[h|cc]: * glom/utility_widgets/eggspreadtablemm/private/eggspreadtabledndmm _p.h: This is unpleasant without gmmproc. 2011-04-18 Murray Cumming <murrayc@murrayc.com> Egg::SpreadTableDnd: Fix typos. * glom/utility_widgets/eggspreadtablemm/eggspreadtabledndmm.cc: Use the correct GTypes. 2011-04-18 Murray Cumming <murrayc@murrayc.com> Use EggSpreadTableDnd. * glom/utility_widgets/eggspreadtable/eggmarshalers.[h|c} * glom/utility_widgets/eggspreadtable/eggplaceholder.[h|c] * glom/utility_widgets/eggspreadtable/eggspreadtablednd.[h|c]: Added these files, copied from libegg. * glom/utility_widgets/eggspreadtablemm/eggspreadtabledndmm.[h|cc]: * glom/utility_widgets/eggspreadtablemm/private/eggspreadtabledndmm _p.h: Created a hand-written C++ wrapper for EggSpreadTableDnd. * glom/Makefile_glom.am: Mention the new files. * glom/utility_widgets/flowtable.h: Use SpreadTableDnd instead of SpreadTable, though we do not use the drag-and-drop functionality yet. 2011-04-12 Murray Cumming <murrayc@murrayc.com> Correct the sizing of the ... date button. * glom/mode_data/datawidget/datawidget.cc: There is a button next to all date fields, for selecting the date. Make sure that it does not expand. Of course, a real date selection widget would be nicer. 2011-04-12 Murray Cumming <murrayc@murrayc.com> Update the EggSpreadTable code. * glom/utility_widgets/eggspreadtable/eggspreadtable.[h|cc]: Update this code from libegg/libegg/spreadtable/ 2011-04-12 Murray Cumming <murrayc@murrayc.com> Fix distcheck. * Makefile.am: Distribute the .db file for the sqlite example. This fixes the discheck, because we use it in a test. * glom/libglom/connectionpool_backends/sqlite.cc: connect(): Give clues on stderr if the file is missing. * glom/libglom/utils.[h|cc]: Add a file_exists(Gio::File) override for use by those checks.