commit d0dc830b4a1fffec810bf8199b2d4a0668369c3d Author: Paolo Borelli <> Date: 2012-04-16 Release 3.4.1 M NEWS M README M commit 04c7c9822d88b29b93159f6f7a13d287aa2c430f Author: Paolo Borelli <> Date: 2012-04-16 Fix some gtkdoc issues M gtksourceview/gtksourcebuffer.c M gtksourceview/gtksourcecompletionutils.c M gtksourceview/gtksourcecontextengine.c M gtksourceview/gtksourcestylescheme.c M gtksourceview/gtksourceview.c commit 8b815eca1b2a2d57d80c9e978525840c9cdee093 Author: Paolo Borelli <> Date: 2012-04-15 Add .hrl glob to erlang.lang Patch by M data/language-specs/erlang.lang commit df66159d9eaf0b9759cd49130a93006d4e59f4b3 Author: Paolo Borelli <> Date: 2012-04-15 Highlight erlang character literals Fixes bug #640129. Patch by M data/language-specs/erlang.lang commit 02c70664c791bdca0ba29b8a991a8447c36ac3d4 Author: Sébastien Wilmet <> Date: 2012-04-09 CompletionModel: fix unmarked nodes removal Take into account the fact that the nodes can be filtered. Also, after removing the unmarked nodes, if there is no remaining nodes, the header was removed only if 'show-headers' is true. But if 'show-headers' is false, the node is still there (but filtered) and needs to be removed too. This finally fixes bug #629055 "GtkSourceCompletion show-headers property: Critical messages and crash": M gtksourceview/gtksourcecompletionmodel.c commit 8d216b730d6388abbb3e14d776f6d0a2d769f16d Author: Sébastien Wilmet <> Date: 2012-04-09 CompletionModel: fix node removal Take into account the fact that the node can be filtered. In this case, handle_row_deleted() must not be called (this function emits the "row-deleted" signal). Also, the double pointer was not needed for the path, the functions doesn't modify its reference. M gtksourceview/gtksourcecompletionmodel.c commit eadc786a117b83f9ec8591f091e8c994b6dcf88a Author: Sébastien Wilmet <> Date: 2012-04-09 CompletionModel: fix header visibility update If the provider is filtered, the header's filtered property was not updated. It's safer to always update the property. M gtksourceview/gtksourcecompletionmodel.c commit 34fd522b9fbb57e429084d486a68d9e97f27e34b Author: Sébastien Wilmet <> Date: 2012-04-09 CompletionModel: fix provider visibility update Take into account the fact that the nodes can be filtered (e.g. the header if 'show-headers' is false). To make the code easier to understand, split the function in two: _show() and _hide(). M gtksourceview/gtksourcecompletionmodel.c commit da4a4da3dbea0edb43c20d38067174650565c951 Author: Sébastien Wilmet <> Date: 2012-04-08 CompletionModel: fix the value of iter.user_data M gtksourceview/gtksourcecompletionmodel.c commit 79af6fca1f64d4fe0e2e0b4d4f2e15dfcc3c39a7 Author: Sébastien Wilmet <> Date: 2012-04-08 CompletionModel: remove empty signals M gtksourceview/gtksourcecompletionmodel.c commit 32dbb093225d6d6687cd5c285e5ed46a66880ae0 Author: Sébastien Wilmet <> Date: 2012-04-08 CompletionModel: set correct flag The model is not a tree, it's only a list. And iterators survive all signals, since it references a GList. M gtksourceview/gtksourcecompletionmodel.c commit fdb59e8007975a666c330332da5fee4453965bb6 Author: Sébastien Wilmet <> Date: 2012-04-08 test-completion: a fixed and a random provider For testing the bug #629055 [1], the proposals need to be modified when the user types something and the completion window doesn't disappear. For the random provider, the proposals are choosen at random from a fixed set of 10 proposals. This is done on each populate. With 'show-headers' set to true, there is no problem. If it is set to false, there are some critical messages, and sometimes a segfault. The random provider have a lower priority than the fixed one, because the display is more "stable" with the fixed one first. [1] M tests/test-completion.c commit 83bbe09e195e69939c9ab03e84db8da5dbd1fb06 Author: Sébastien Wilmet <> Date: 2012-04-07 Completion: attach windows to widgets M gtksourceview/gtksourcecompletion.c commit 9e431d85206365254d0d1b4a5e68243cd179ff68 Author: Sébastien Wilmet <> Date: 2012-04-06 Completion: set windows type hints to 'combo' Altough the name is confusing, according to the spec [1]: "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_COMBO [...] An example is a window that appears below a text field with a list of suggested completions." It is used in gtkentrycompletion.c for example. [1] M gtksourceview/gtksourcecompletioninfo.c M gtksourceview/gtksourcecompletionui.h commit c3380b769a49300422f3cece4d4f5909fd8b975a Author: Sébastien Wilmet <> Date: 2012-04-06 CompletionInfo: little code simplification M gtksourceview/gtksourcecompletioninfo.c commit 9c48fa40269e31e45d9587e0062d46a51386e0a0 Author: Sébastien Wilmet <> Date: 2012-04-08 Remove all trailspaces in *.c and *.h files The command used: $ for i in *.{c,h}; do sed -i 's/[[:space:]]*$//' $i; done M gtksourceview/gtksource.h M gtksourceview/gtksourcebuffer.c M gtksourceview/gtksourcebuffer.h M gtksourceview/gtksourcecompletion.h M gtksourceview/gtksourcecompletioncontext.c M gtksourceview/gtksourcecompletionitem.c M gtksourceview/gtksourcecompletionitem.h M gtksourceview/gtksourcecompletionmodel.c M gtksourceview/gtksourcecompletionmodel.h M gtksourceview/gtksourcecompletionproposal.c M gtksourceview/gtksourcecompletionproposal.h M gtksourceview/gtksourcecompletionprovider.c M gtksourceview/gtksourcecompletionprovider.h M gtksourceview/gtksourcecompletionutils.c M gtksourceview/gtksourcecompletionutils.h M gtksourceview/gtksourcecontextengine.c M gtksourceview/gtksourcegutter.c M gtksourceview/gtksourcegutterrenderer.c M gtksourceview/gtksourcegutterrendererlines.c M gtksourceview/gtksourcegutterrenderermarks.c M gtksourceview/gtksourcegutterrendererpixbuf.h M gtksourceview/gtksourcegutterrenderertext.h M gtksourceview/gtksourcelanguage.c M gtksourceview/gtksourcelanguagemanager.c M gtksourceview/gtksourcemark.c M gtksourceview/gtksourcemark.h M gtksourceview/gtksourceprintcompositor.c M gtksourceview/gtksourceprintcompositor.h M gtksourceview/gtksourcestylescheme.c M gtksourceview/gtksourceundomanager.c M gtksourceview/gtksourceundomanagerdefault.c M gtksourceview/gtksourceview.h M tests/test-completion.c M tests/test-widget.c M tests/testregion.c commit edb4c5c8f7d87dff1e31be1e1a8f257b3feff5f3 Author: Alexander Shopov <> Date: 2012-04-01 Updated Bulgarian translation M po/bg.po commit c78a1edb960994598d13ffda6f1138ea6e1e35a5 Author: Sebastian Bergmann <> Date: 2012-03-21 Add callable and insteadof (added in PHP 5.4). M data/language-specs/php.lang commit 99dcec7df30e3bfea5927d5207b2c0b08a4a9555 Author: Aurimas Černius <> Date: 2012-03-26 Updated Lithuanian translation M po/lt.po commit 676a530664866a0cc334dc911e1c9a1e95415fbc Author: Ignacio Casal Quinteiro <> Date: 2012-03-26 Release 3.4.0 M NEWS M README M