commit 26a150d3d4d0f05cb5b210d6f2e1c0005f38ce6d
Author: Gerd Kohlberger <>
Date:   Mon Sep 3 18:38:59 2012 +0200

    Prepare 3.5.91 release

 NEWS         |   13 +++++++++++++
 README       |   33 +++++++++++---------------------- |    2 +-
 3 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

commit e870eafdcc1348dc8574f04c6b734de612f8699b
Author: Gerd Kohlberger <>
Date:   Mon Sep 3 17:45:06 2012 +0200

    Remove outdated help files - bgo#681268

 COPYING                                            |  679 +++++++-
 COPYING.FDL                                        |  451 -----
 COPYING.GPL                                        |  674 --------                                        |    9 +-                                         |    2 +-                                       |    5 -
 help/C/figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-checkbox.png       |  Bin 9375 -> 0 bytes
 .../figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-click-type-applet.png |  Bin 12199 -> 0 bytes
 .../figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-click-type-window.png |  Bin 10149 -> 0 bytes
 help/C/figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-ctw-checkbox.png   |  Bin 4397 -> 0 bytes
 help/C/figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-delay-slider.png   |  Bin 4934 -> 0 bytes
 .../C/figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-gesture-mapping.png |  Bin 14533 -> 0 bytes
 help/C/figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-mode-choice.png    |  Bin 11940 -> 0 bytes
 .../C/figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-motion-treshold.png |  Bin 7494 -> 0 bytes
 .../mouse-a11y-pointer-capture-context-menu.png    |  Bin 50507 -> 0 bytes
 .../figures/mouse-a11y-pointer-capture-locked.png  |  Bin 2958 -> 0 bytes
 .../mouse-a11y-pointer-capture-preferences.png     |  Bin 23862 -> 0 bytes
 help/C/figures/mouse-a11y-ssc-checkbox.png         |  Bin 3968 -> 0 bytes
 help/C/figures/mouse-a11y-ssc-delay-slider.png     |  Bin 5245 -> 0 bytes
 help/C/figures/mouse-a11y-tab.png                  |  Bin 57674 -> 0 bytes
 help/C/legal.xml                                   |   54 -
 help/C/mousetweaks.xml                             | 1145 ------------
 help/                                   |   10 -
 help/ca/ca.po                                      | 1599 -----------------
 help/ca/figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-checkbox.png      |  Bin 9013 -> 0 bytes
 .../figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-click-type-applet.png |  Bin 16808 -> 0 bytes
 .../figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-click-type-window.png |  Bin 10292 -> 0 bytes
 help/ca/figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-ctw-checkbox.png  |  Bin 4573 -> 0 bytes
 help/ca/figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-delay-slider.png  |  Bin 4666 -> 0 bytes
 .../figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-gesture-mapping.png   |  Bin 14038 -> 0 bytes
 help/ca/figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-mode-choice.png   |  Bin 12044 -> 0 bytes
 .../figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-motion-treshold.png   |  Bin 7128 -> 0 bytes
 .../mouse-a11y-pointer-capture-context-menu.png    |  Bin 85080 -> 0 bytes
 .../figures/mouse-a11y-pointer-capture-locked.png  |  Bin 11353 -> 0 bytes
 .../mouse-a11y-pointer-capture-preferences.png     |  Bin 23873 -> 0 bytes
 help/ca/figures/mouse-a11y-ssc-checkbox.png        |  Bin 4086 -> 0 bytes
 help/ca/figures/mouse-a11y-ssc-delay-slider.png    |  Bin 4848 -> 0 bytes
 help/ca/figures/mouse-a11y-tab.png                 |  Bin 60562 -> 0 bytes
 help/cs/cs.po                                      |  917 ----------
 help/cs/figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-checkbox.png      |  Bin 11866 -> 0 bytes
 .../figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-click-type-applet.png |  Bin 11459 -> 0 bytes
 .../figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-click-type-window.png |  Bin 14661 -> 0 bytes
 help/cs/figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-ctw-checkbox.png  |  Bin 4168 -> 0 bytes
 help/cs/figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-delay-slider.png  |  Bin 6804 -> 0 bytes
 .../figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-gesture-mapping.png   |  Bin 18373 -> 0 bytes
 help/cs/figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-mode-choice.png   |  Bin 13249 -> 0 bytes
 .../figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-motion-treshold.png   |  Bin 9166 -> 0 bytes
 .../mouse-a11y-pointer-capture-context-menu.png    |  Bin 80801 -> 0 bytes
 .../figures/mouse-a11y-pointer-capture-locked.png  |  Bin 3891 -> 0 bytes
 .../mouse-a11y-pointer-capture-preferences.png     |  Bin 31399 -> 0 bytes
 help/cs/figures/mouse-a11y-ssc-checkbox.png        |  Bin 6415 -> 0 bytes
 help/cs/figures/mouse-a11y-ssc-delay-slider.png    |  Bin 7189 -> 0 bytes
 help/cs/figures/mouse-a11y-tab.png                 |  Bin 78392 -> 0 bytes
 help/de/de.po                                      | 1798 -------------------
 help/de/figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-checkbox.png      |  Bin 9640 -> 0 bytes
 .../figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-click-type-applet.png |  Bin 13271 -> 0 bytes
 .../figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-click-type-window.png |  Bin 10685 -> 0 bytes
 .../figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-gesture-mapping.png   |  Bin 13684 -> 0 bytes
 .../figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-motion-treshold.png   |  Bin 7697 -> 0 bytes
 .../mouse-a11y-pointer-capture-context-menu.png    |  Bin 10199 -> 0 bytes
 .../figures/mouse-a11y-pointer-capture-locked.png  |  Bin 3126 -> 0 bytes
 .../mouse-a11y-pointer-capture-preferences.png     |  Bin 24224 -> 0 bytes
 help/de/figures/mouse-a11y-ssc-checkbox.png        |  Bin 10049 -> 0 bytes
 help/de/figures/mouse-a11y-ssc-delay-slider.png    |  Bin 4901 -> 0 bytes
 help/de/figures/mouse-a11y-tab.png                 |  Bin 61860 -> 0 bytes
 help/el/el.po                                      |  992 -----------
 help/el/figures/mouse-a11y-tab.png                 |  Bin 77176 -> 0 bytes
 help/en_GB/en_GB.po                                | 1512 ----------------
 help/es/es.po                                      | 1820 --------------------
 .../mouse-a11y-add-applet-to-panel-window.png      |  Bin 35183 -> 0 bytes
 help/es/figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-checkbox.png      |  Bin 10709 -> 0 bytes
 .../figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-click-type-applet.png |  Bin 1735 -> 0 bytes
 .../figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-click-type-window.png |  Bin 12997 -> 0 bytes
 help/es/figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-ctw-checkbox.png  |  Bin 5720 -> 0 bytes
 help/es/figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-delay-slider.png  |  Bin 5490 -> 0 bytes
 .../figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-gesture-mapping.png   |  Bin 17341 -> 0 bytes
 help/es/figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-mode-choice.png   |  Bin 14722 -> 0 bytes
 .../figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-motion-treshold.png   |  Bin 9030 -> 0 bytes
 .../mouse-a11y-pointer-capture-context-menu.png    |  Bin 11662 -> 0 bytes
 .../figures/mouse-a11y-pointer-capture-locked.png  |  Bin 1124 -> 0 bytes
 .../mouse-a11y-pointer-capture-preferences.png     |  Bin 20950 -> 0 bytes
 help/es/figures/mouse-a11y-ssc-checkbox.png        |  Bin 4781 -> 0 bytes
 help/es/figures/mouse-a11y-ssc-delay-slider.png    |  Bin 7617 -> 0 bytes
 help/es/figures/mouse-a11y-tab.png                 |  Bin 73904 -> 0 bytes
 help/fr/figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-checkbox.png      |  Bin 9411 -> 0 bytes
 .../figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-click-type-applet.png |  Bin 11195 -> 0 bytes
 .../figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-click-type-window.png |  Bin 11557 -> 0 bytes
 help/fr/figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-ctw-checkbox.png  |  Bin 4043 -> 0 bytes
 help/fr/figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-delay-slider.png  |  Bin 4408 -> 0 bytes
 .../figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-gesture-mapping.png   |  Bin 16380 -> 0 bytes
 help/fr/figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-mode-choice.png   |  Bin 11554 -> 0 bytes
 .../figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-motion-treshold.png   |  Bin 7431 -> 0 bytes
 .../mouse-a11y-pointer-capture-context-menu.png    |  Bin 52408 -> 0 bytes
 .../figures/mouse-a11y-pointer-capture-locked.png  |  Bin 6525 -> 0 bytes
 .../mouse-a11y-pointer-capture-preferences.png     |  Bin 26629 -> 0 bytes
 help/fr/figures/mouse-a11y-ssc-checkbox.png        |  Bin 4354 -> 0 bytes
 help/fr/figures/mouse-a11y-ssc-delay-slider.png    |  Bin 4855 -> 0 bytes
 help/fr/figures/mouse-a11y-tab.png                 |  Bin 60541 -> 0 bytes
 help/fr/fr.po                                      | 1740 -------------------
 help/it/figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-checkbox.png      |  Bin 11467 -> 0 bytes
 .../figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-click-type-applet.png |  Bin 7967 -> 0 bytes
 .../figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-click-type-window.png |  Bin 10860 -> 0 bytes
 help/it/figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-ctw-checkbox.png  |  Bin 5293 -> 0 bytes
 help/it/figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-delay-slider.png  |  Bin 6408 -> 0 bytes
 .../figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-gesture-mapping.png   |  Bin 18054 -> 0 bytes
 help/it/figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-mode-choice.png   |  Bin 13645 -> 0 bytes
 .../figures/mouse-a11y-dwell-motion-treshold.png   |  Bin 10226 -> 0 bytes
 .../mouse-a11y-pointer-capture-context-menu.png    |  Bin 35466 -> 0 bytes
 .../figures/mouse-a11y-pointer-capture-locked.png  |  Bin 5456 -> 0 bytes
 .../mouse-a11y-pointer-capture-preferences.png     |  Bin 28830 -> 0 bytes
 help/it/figures/mouse-a11y-ssc-checkbox.png        |  Bin 5012 -> 0 bytes
 help/it/figures/mouse-a11y-ssc-delay-slider.png    |  Bin 6007 -> 0 bytes
 help/it/figures/mouse-a11y-tab.png                 |  Bin 68274 -> 0 bytes
 help/it/it.po                                      | 1512 ----------------
 help/                            |    9 -
 help/oc/oc.po                                      | 1015 -----------
 help/sl/sl.po                                      |  883 ----------
 .../mouse-a11y-add-applet-to-panel-window.png      |  Bin 36411 -> 0 bytes
 help/sv/sv.po                                      |  814 ---------
 help/zh_CN/zh_CN.po                                | 1583 -----------------
 120 files changed, 676 insertions(+), 18547 deletions(-)

commit e0286a93416a339b95509148e286e3d91e7fc77b
Author: Aurimas Černius <>
Date:   Sun Sep 2 15:27:36 2012 +0300

    Updated Lithuanian translation

 po/lt.po |  573 ++++++++------------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 69 insertions(+), 504 deletions(-)

commit a6b3d370ec221d14d847f8bae5dea01897ca1ab5
Author: OKANO Takayoshi <>
Date:   Sun Aug 19 23:35:46 2012 +0900

    [l10n] Update Japanese translation

 po/ja.po |  358 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------------
 1 file changed, 160 insertions(+), 198 deletions(-)

commit 109a3c07c81669eec3f5ef8545e4ecae61362539
Author: Francesco Fumanti <>
Date:   Mon Jul 16 21:07:09 2012 +0200

    Increment version to 3.5.4 and create the release

 NEWS         |   16 ++++++++++++++++
 README       |    2 +- |    2 +-
 3 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)