2011-05-24 01:14:20 +0200 Javier Hernández Antúnez <jhernandez@emergya.es>

        Fix for bug #647037 - Pronunciation rules not being applied until user settings are reloaded

M	src/orca/settings_manager.py

2011-05-18 16:36:51 +0200 Javier Hernández Antúnez <jhernandez@emergya.es>

        Updating the test harness' Firefox profile to stop unwanted dialogs from appearing.

M	test/html/FirefoxProfile/prefs.js

2011-09-16 12:04:45 +0200 Joanmarie Diggs <joanmarie.diggs@gmail.com>

        Fix for bug #650136 - Fallback on combo box name to get the displayed item

M	src/orca/script_utilities.py

2011-05-08 17:15:26 +0200 Joanmarie <joanmarie.diggs@gmail.com>

        Fix for bug #647522 - Orca should not speak page loading messages if 'only speak displayed text' is enabled

M	src/orca/scripts/toolkits/Gecko/script.py

2011-05-05 02:48:39 +0200 Gabor Kelemen <kelemeng@gnome.hu>

        Updated Hungarian help translation

M	help/hu/hu.po

2011-05-04 07:57:08 -0400 Joanmarie Diggs <joanmarie.diggs@gmail.com>

        Fix for bug #431030 - GtkStatusIcon objects don't have accessible names

M	src/orca/formatting.py
M	src/orca/generator.py

2011-04-29 19:35:41 +0200 Daniel Mustieles <daniel.mustieles@gmail.com>

        Updated Spanish translation

M	help/es/es.po

2011-04-26 20:59:45 +0200 Daniel Mustieles <daniel.mustieles@gmail.com>

        Updated Spanish translation

M	help/es/es.po

2011-04-26 01:35:08 +0200 Alejandro Leiva <aleiva@emergya.es>

        Marking as v3.0.2pre

M	configure.in

2011-04-26 00:58:28 +0200 Alejandro Leiva <aleiva@emergya.es>

        Prep for v3.0.1

M	configure.in