2012-06-24  Jürg Billeter  <j@bitron.ch>

	Release 0.17.2

2012-06-23  Jürg Billeter  <j@bitron.ch>

	codegen: Fix memory leak accessing automatic property with owned getter
	Fixes bug 678630.

	codegen: Fix line directives for ref_sink
	Fixes bug 678237.

2012-06-23  Evan Nemerson  <evan@coeus-group.com>

	codegen: use glib macros instead of trying to guess correct names
	Fixes bugs 675433, 673707, and 675364.

2012-06-22  Evan Nemerson  <evan@coeus-group.com>

	libgda-4.0, libgda-report-4.0, librsvg-2.0: deprecate
	These libraries now distribute Vala bindings upstream which should be
	preferred over those distributed with Vala.

	vapigen: support deprecated namespace annotations in metadata files

	Give priority to unversioned vapi directory
	This allows bindings distributed with upstream libraries to be
	prioritized over bindings distributed with Vala.

2012-06-20  Evan Nemerson  <evan@coeus-group.com>

	glib-2.0: make GLib.Pid inherit from int
	Partially fixes bug 678420.

	vapigen.m4: add an argument for the default value
	The new argument allows people to specify a default value for enabling
	Vala API generation (the default default value remains "auto").  This
	is to accomodate projects, such as librsvg, which want more predictable

2012-06-17  Evan Nemerson  <evan@coeus-group.com>

	gdk-3.0: Gdk.EventKey does not have a GType
	Fixes bug 678217.

2012-06-16  Evan Nemerson  <evan@coeus-group.com>

	bindings: update GIR-based bindings

2012-06-14  Jürg Billeter  <j@bitron.ch>

	codegen: Fix .begin on async methods returning structs

	gtk+-3.0: Fix gtk_entry_get_text_area bindings

2012-06-13  Sam Thursfield  <ssssam@gmail.com>

	gio-2.0: make Drive and Volume get_sort_key method virtual

2012-06-13  Evan Nemerson  <evan@coeus-group.com>

	gdk-x11-2.0, gdk-x11-3.0: fix X11Display.broadcast_startup_message
	Fixes bug 677986.

	clutter-1.0: update bindings to latest git, remove obsolete data

	girparser: handle multiple symbol prefixes

2012-06-12  Evan Nemerson  <evan@coeus-group.com>

	girparser: allow setting base_type of boxed types in metadata
	Fixes bug 677906.

2012-06-12  Michal Hruby  <michal.mhr@gmail.com>

	girwriter: Use transfer-ownership=none for InitiallyUnowned based constructors

2012-06-11  Alberto Ruiz  <alberto.ruiz@canonical.com>

	bindings: Add gir_namespace and gir_version to dbus-glib-1.vapi

2012-06-09  Evan Nemerson  <evan@coeus-group.com>

	clutter-1.0: update to latest git
	Fixes bug 669815.

2012-06-08  Thijs Vermeir  <thijsvermeir@gmail.com>

	codegen: check return value before ref_sink the value
	When a function is expected to give back a floating reference, the
	caller is trying to ref_sink the reference after calling this function.
	But when the function fails and returns NULL, the ref_sink function is
	still called. This can lead to a runtime warning as the ref_sink
	function is not expecting a NULL value. Additionally remove all
	ref_sink_function_void, as this is only for C convenience.

2012-06-08  Evan Nemerson  <evan@coeus-group.com>

	gtk+-3.0: update to 3.5.5
	Fixes bug 674090.

	gtk+-2.0, gtk+-3.0: include necessary headers for IMContext(Info) types
	Fixes bug 635664.

	gtk+-2.0, gtk+-3.0: make TreeView.get_tooltip_context.x and y ref
	Fixes bug 669507.

2012-06-08  Robert Ancell  <robert.ancell@canonical.com>

	gtk+-3.0: Gtk.Scrollbar constructor allows null adjustment
	Fixes bug 669516.

2012-06-08  David King  <amigadave@amigadave.com>

	gtk+-2.0, gtk+-3.0: fix Gtk.test_init
	Fixes bug 669767.

2012-06-08  Jesse van den Kieboom  <jesse.vandenkieboom@epfl.ch>

	gtk+-2.0, gtk+-3.0: add is_ref annotation for TreeStore.remove
	Fixes bug 675402.

	Added is_out annotation for StyleContext.lookup_color
	Fixes bug 675403.

2012-06-08  Evan Nemerson  <evan@coeus-group.com>

	gtk+-3.0: hide SelectionData.get_data_with_length length parameter
	Fixes bug 676849.

	gtk+-3.0: add information to generate 2d0e7f49

	dbus-glib-1: add dbus_g_connection_open binding
	Fixes bug 622043.

2012-06-08  Alexander Kurtz  <kurtz.alex@googlemail.com>

	x11: Enable some fields which were previously commented out.

2012-06-08  Evan Nemerson  <evan@coeus-group.com>

	gstreamer-0.10: correct type id of Gst.TypeFindFactory
	Partially fixes bug 675364.

2012-06-08  Richard Schwarting  <aquarichy@gmail.com>

	libxml-2.0: add missing cnames to some Doc fields
	Fixes bug 677354.

2012-06-08  Evan Nemerson  <evan@coeus-group.com>

	gdk-3.0: mark Gdk.Atom as derived from uint

2012-06-06  Evan Nemerson  <evan@coeus-group.com>

	glib-2.0: add ThreadPool.with_owned_data and ThreadPool.add
	This allows for more intuitive use of ThreadPool.  The old bindings
	are marked as deprecated but kept in place to maintain backwards
	compatibility.  Fixes bug 676741.

	gstreamer-0.10: fix Bus.create_watch return value type

2012-06-05  Jacques-Pascal Deplaix  <jp.deplaix@gmail.com>

	vte, vte-2.90: fix Vte.Terminal.match_check binding
	Fixes bug 676882.

2012-06-05  Thijs Vermeir  <thijsvermeir@gmail.com>

	gstreamer-base-0.10: fix gst_push_src_create binding

	gstreamer-video-0.10: fix gst_video_get_size_from_caps binding

2012-06-03  Richard Schwarting  <aquarichy@gmail.com>

	libxml-2.0: add SaveCtxt bindings
	Partially fixes bug 677355.