The following modules have a new version: - NetworkManager (1.4.2 => 1.6.2) - adwaita-icon-theme (3.22.0 => 3.23.91) - at-spi2-core (2.23.4 => 2.23.90) - baobab (3.22.1 => 3.23.90) - eog (3.23.1 => 3.23.90) - epiphany (3.23.4 => 3.23.90) - evolution-data-server (3.23.4 => 3.23.90) - gdk-pixbuf (2.36.4 => 2.36.5) - geocode-glib (3.20.1 => 3.23.90) - gjs (1.47.4 => 1.47.90) - glib (2.51.1 => 2.51.2) - gmime (2.6.22 => 2.6.23) (*) - gnome-backgrounds (3.22.1 => 3.23.91) - gnome-bluetooth (3.20.0 => 3.20.1) - gnome-boxes (3.23.4 => - gnome-calculator (3.23.4 => 3.23.90) - gnome-calendar (3.22.2 => 3.23.90) - gnome-clocks (3.22.1 => 3.23.90) - gnome-control-center (3.22.1 => 3.23.90) - gnome-desktop (3.23.3 => 3.23.90) - gnome-logs (3.23.4 => 3.23.90) - gnome-maps (3.23.4 => 3.23.90) - gnome-online-accounts (3.23.4 => 3.23.90) - gnome-photos (3.23.4 => 3.23.90) - gnome-settings-daemon (3.23.3 => 3.23.90) - gnome-shell (3.23.3 => 3.23.90) - gnome-shell-extensions (3.23.2 => 3.23.90) - gnome-software (3.23.3 => 3.23.90) - gnome-system-monitor (3.23.2 => 3.23.90) - gnome-terminal (3.22.1 => 3.23.90) (*) - gnome-video-effects (0.4.1 => 0.4.3) - gobject-introspection (1.51.2 => 1.51.3) (*) - grilo (0.3.2 => 0.3.3) - grilo-plugins (0.3.3 => 0.3.4) - gsettings-desktop-schemas (3.23.3 => 3.23.90) - gtk+ (3.89.2 => 3.89.4) - gtk-vnc (0.6.0 => 0.7.0) - gvfs (1.31.4 => 1.31.90) - libgtop (2.34.2 => 2.35.90) - librsvg (2.41.0 => 2.40.16) (*) - libsigc++ (2.99.7 => 2.99.8) - mutter (3.23.3 => 3.23.90) - nautilus (3.22.2 => 3.23.90) - network-manager-applet (1.4.2 => 1.4.4) - orca (3.22.2 => 3.23.4) - phodav (2.1 => 2.2) - totem (3.22.0 => 3.23.90) - vala (0.35.3 => 0.35.5) - vte (0.46.1 => 0.47.90) (*) (*) No summarized news available The following modules weren't upgraded in this release: at-spi2-atk, atk, atkmm, cantarell-fonts, caribou, cheese, clutter, clutter-gst, clutter-gtk, cogl, dconf, evince, file-roller, folks, gcab, gcr, gdm, gedit, gfbgraph, glib-networking, glibmm, gnome-characters, gnome-color-manager, gnome-contacts, gnome-disk-utility, gnome-documents, gnome-font-viewer, gnome-getting-started-docs, gnome-initial-setup, gnome-keyring, gnome-menus, gnome-online-miners, gnome-screenshot, gnome-session, gnome-themes-standard, gnome-user-docs, gnome-user-share, gnome-weather, gom, graphene, gsound, gspell, gssdp, gtk-doc, gtk-engines, gtkmm, gtksourceview, gupnp, gupnp-av, gupnp-dlna, gupnp-igd, json-glib, libchamplain, libcroco, libgdata, libgee, libgepub, libgnomekbd, libgovirt, libgrss, libgsf, libgweather, libgxps, libhttpseverywhere, libmediaart, libnotify, libpeas, libsecret, libsoup, libwnck, libxml2, libxslt, libzapojit, mm-common, mousetweaks, pango, pangomm, pyatspi, pygobject, rest, sushi, totem-pl-parser, tracker, vino, yelp, yelp-tools, yelp-xsl, zenity ======================================== NetworkManager ======================================== NetworkManager-1.6.2 Overview of changes since NetworkManager-1.6.0 ============================================== This is a new stable release of NetworkManager. Notable changes include: * Fixed build warnings with GCC 7 * Multiple bug fixes in NetworkManager, nmcli and nm-online including several crashes. ============================================ NetworkManager-1.6 Overview of changes since NetworkManager-1.4 ============================================ This is a new stable release of NetworkManager. Notable changes include: * Added support for managing the MACsec links. Requires support in wpa_supplicant (version newer than 2.6). * Support for configuration and discovery of Web Proxy settings with PacRunner service. * The ipv6.method=shared is now supported, utilizing DHCPv6 Prefix Delegation option to obtain prefixes for the interface. * Support for systemd-resolved local DNS forwarder backend. * The configuration is now read from /run/NetworkManager/conf.d as well. This is useful for handing over configuration discovered on system startup to NetworkManager. * The PPP manager can now be split into a separate package. * Added initial support for PKCS#11 tokens with 802.1x authentication. * Introduced Vala bindings for libnm. * NetworkManager would now keep most connections up on shutdown (except Wi-Fi connections, VPN connections and other kinds that can't be assumed on startup) * The checkpoint/restore connection can now also remove new connections and disconnect devices that were activated since the checkpoint was taken. * New connection.autoconnect_retries property that allows fine-tuning the autoconnect behavior. * Fix emission of NM-style PropertiesChanged signals and deprecate them for PropertiesChanged on "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" interface. * Change the meaning of unset "cloned-mac-address" settings from "permanent" to "preserve". This changes the default value and affects existing connections during upgrade that did not explicitly configure cloned-mac-address. This has the effect that externally configured MAC addresses are preserved by default instead of setting the permanent address (bgo#770611). * Avoid reading the permanent MAC address before the device is initialized by UDEV. This avoids a race where NetworkManager might detect the MAC address of the wrong interface. * The cloned.mac-address property can now be used with Bond and Bridge devices. * The ifcfg parsing code has been reworked for better compatibility with actual shell variable files. * nmtui now supports creating and editing IP tunnel connections. * The libnm client library now uses the D-Bus ObjectManager API that allows for quicker initialization of the clients. * nmtui now utilizes the asynchronous libnm client API to paralellize communication with the daemon, reducing the client startup time. * Ethernet devices now use "802-3.speed" and "802-3.duplex" properties to allow controlling overriding the negotiated link parameters. * Order in which IP addresses are configured is now preserved so that primary address is selected correctly. * Details of the DNS information obtained from the connections is now exposed on the D-Bus and can be inspected with nmcli. * Fixed race conditions when renaming interfaces, for example as done by UDEV for persistent interface naming. This could cause detecting devices as the wrong hardware type. * Added the support for DHCPV6_HOSTNAME and DHCPV6_SEND_HOSTNAME keys in ifcfg files that control "dhcp-hostname" and "dhcp-send-hostname" properties of the "ipv6" setting. * The stable-addressing for MAC address randomization and RFC7217 IPv6 stable privacy addressing can now be more flexibly configured using dynamic randomization seeds in "connection.stable-id". See "examples/nm-conf.d/30-anon.conf" for example use. * When the master of Team, Bridge and Bond devices is specified as a connection UUID, the ifcfg-rh plugin now writes the master connection's interface name into the ifcfg file for improved compatibility with the legacy network service. * Improve handling of MTU by resetting the previous MTU when the device deactivates and reset the MTU to a defined value on activation. * Improve tracking of parent devices for dependend devices like ip-tunnels, MACVLAN, VETH, VLAN, and VXLAN. * Many bug fixes and improvements ======================================== adwaita-icon-theme ======================================== 3.23.91 - input-tablet-symbolic non-starred-symbolic go-down-symbolic airplane mode send-to - simplification - audio-x-generic package icons accessories-character-map applications-internet apps-system executables drive-harddisk emotes text-html media-player input-dialpad filesystem emblems document terminal emblem-shared folders keyboards help-faq file cabined derived icons - refreshed fullcolor style ======================================== at-spi2-core ======================================== What's new in at-spi2-core 2.23.90: * Fix an occasional crash when an application is closed (bgo#767074). ======================================== baobab ======================================== 3.23.90 ====== * Updated translations (ca, cs, da, de, es, eu, fa, fi, fr, fur, hr, hu, id, is, it, kk, ko, nb, oc, pl, pt, pt_BR, ru, sk, sr, sv, vi, zh_CN) ======================================== eog ======================================== Version 3.23.90 --------------- * Replace zoom scale with a text entry based on Evince's zoom widget * Fix keyboard navigation in the headerbar and popup menu Bug fixes: #754985, no way to open menu using keyboard New and updated translations: - Jordi Mas [ca] - Marek Černocký [cs] - Kukuh Syafaat [id] - Kjartan Maraas [nb] - Dušan Kazik [sk] ======================================== epiphany ======================================== 3.23.90 - February 13, 2017 =========================== - Remove the integrated view source mode, not ready for stable release (#775145) - Fix the search provider (#775902) - Rearrange bookmarks app menu items (#778280) - Multiple fixes to the new insecure password form focused warning (#778369) - Fix condition where the new tab menu could get desynced from the current tabs - Many settings are now stored separately for each web application - Updated translations 3.23.5 - February 03, 2017 ========================== - Add option to subscribe to EasyPrivacy filters and enable by default (#739631) - Introduce new, more powerful clear personal data dialog (#741447) - Fix serious password extraction sweep attack on password manager (#752738) - Adblock filters are now configured in GSettings (#755193) - Restore support for having multiple adblock filters at once (#755193) - Fix many bugs affecting the bookmarks popover (#772131, #777615) - Remember fallback window size in GSettings (#777055) - Prefer common_name to name when reading ISO 3166 data (#774466) - Fix the Stop button (#777585) - Fix adblocker blocking too much stuff, breaking Twitter (#777714) - Avoid writing anything to disk in incognito mode (#777736) - Change keyboard shortcut for export bookmarks to Ctrl+Shift+X (#777872) - Fix F6 keyboard shortcut for focusing address bar (#777873) - Properly set initial notification permissions (#777835) - Add empty state to bookmarks popover, so it looks better with no bookmarks - Automatically delete unused adblock filters when the adblocker is enabled - Renamed Privacy preferences tab to Stored Data - Moved do not track preference to General preferences tab - Improve warning text when closing tab with modified form - Allow saving session even if a tab has a blank URL - Display full security origins rather than just hostnames when appropriate - Fix recently-introduced critical warnings when focusing password forms - Do not ever use session in web app or incognito mode - Fix off-by-one in profile migrator -d option - Avoid crash if profile migrator is passed invalid -d - Restore preference to set default encoding - Updated translations ======================================== evolution-data-server ======================================== Evolution-Data-Server 3.23.90 2017-02-13 ---------------------------------------- Bug Fixes: Bug 777207 - Allow e-mail address change for GOA configured accounts (Milan Crha) Bug 777431 - [IMAPx] Gmail's BODY search returns only whole word matches (Milan Crha) Bug 771289 - Memory leaks in test-contact-types.c (Milan Crha) Bug 777695 - [ECalClient] Produce CRLF line endings in iCalendar string (Tim Ruffing) Bug 777781 - Unfold header values before comparing them (Milan Crha) Bug 778222 - Fix a build break with gperf 3.1 (Milan Crha) Bug 778069 - UI not updated after IMAP NOTIFY notifications (Milan Crha) Bug 777660 - Strange sentence in gschema string (Milan Crha) Bug 778265 - Serialize access to underlying NNTP stream (Milan Crha) Miscellaneous: Ignore errors when getting message for a body-contains search (Milan Crha) Correct config.h inclusion in some recent Camel source files (Milan Crha) Fix a CamelVeeMessageInfo memory leak (Milan Crha) Fix a ref/unref imbalance of CamelIMAPXStoreInfo (Milan Crha) Fix a memory leak in camel_imapx_server_append_message_sync() (Milan Crha) Unable to add additional Google calendar (Milan Crha) Avoid local message cache expiry clean up when being offline (Milan Crha) [IMAPx] Avoid unneeded full flags folder update when no changes made (Milan Crha) Translations: Daniel Mustieles (es) Fabio Tomat (fur) Piotr Drąg (pl) Dušan Kazik (sk) Mario Blättermann (de) Aurimas Černius (lt) Marek Černocký (cs) Kjartan Maraas (nb) ======================================== gdk-pixbuf ======================================== 2.36.5 ====== * Fix mimetypes for thumbnailer (#778451) * Handle fseek failure (#776990) * Fix signed/unsigned handling (#777374) * Fix an overflow check (#777315) * Handle extreme scaling better (#80925) * Translation updates ======================================== geocode-glib ======================================== 3.23.90 ------- Many thanks to Bastian Nocera and Zeeshan Ali for picking up review work for me when I dropped the ball! This release brings many nice new functions and abstractions contributed by Collabora! The possibility to add backends to use other geocoding services than Nominatim is one of them. Changes since 3.21.1: - Add g_autoptr cleanup functions - Make code base const-correct - Add backend abstraction - Make unit-test base on offline mock backend - Add support for multiple reverse results - Add a user-agent property to override default user-agent - Add equality functions to bbox/location/place All contributors to this release: Philip Withnall <> Ting-Wei Lan <> ======================================== gjs ======================================== Version 1.47.90 --------------- - New JavaScript features! This version of GJS is based on SpiderMonkey 38, an upgrade from the previous ESR (Extended Support Release) of SpiderMonkey 31. Our plans are to continue upgrading to subsequent ESRs as maintainer availability allows. Here are the highlights of the new JavaScript features. For more information, look them up on MDN or * New syntax + Shorthand syntax for method definitions: { foo() { return 5; } } + Shorthand syntax for object literals: let b = 42; let o = {b}; o.b === 42 + Computed property names for the above, as well as in getter and setter expressions and destructuring assignment: { ['b' + 'ar']() { return 6; } } + Spread operator in destructuring assignment: let [a, ...b] = [1, 2, 3]; + Template literals: `Hello, ${name}` with optional tags: tag`string` * New APIs + Symbol, a new fundamental type + WeakSet, a Set which does not prevent its members from being garbage-collected + [Symbol.iterator] properties for Array, Map, Set, String, TypedArray, and the arguments object + New Array and TypedArray functionality: Array.copyWithin(), Array.from() + New return() method for generators + New Number.isSafeInteger() method + New Object.assign() method which can replace Lang.copyProperties() in many cases + New Object.getOwnPropertySymbols() method + New RegExp flags, global, ignoreCase, multiline, sticky properties that give access to the flags that the regular expression was created with + String.raw, a tag for template strings similar to Python's r"" + New TypedArray methods for correspondence with Array: entries(), every(), fill(), filter(), find(), findIndex(), forEach(), indexOf(), join(), keys(), lastIndexOf(), map(), of(), reduce(), reduceRight(), reverse(), slice(), some(), values() * New behaviour + Temporal dead zone: print(x); let x = 5; no longer allowed + Full ES6-compliant implementation of const keyword + The Set, Map, and WeakMap constructors can now take null as their argument + The WeakMap constructor can now take an iterable as its argument + The and Function.length properties are configurable + When subclassing Map, WeakMap, and Set or using the constructors on generic objects, they will look for custom set() and add() methods. + RegExp.source and RegExp.toString() now deal with empty regexes, and escape their output. + Non-object arguments to Object.preventExtensions() now do not throw an exception, simply return the original object * Backwards-incompatible changes + It is now a syntax error to declare the same variable twice with "let" or "const" in the same scope. Existing code may need to be fixed, but the fix is trivial. + SpiderMonkey is now extra vocal about warning when you access an undefined property, and this causes some false positives. You can turn this warning off by setting GJS_DISABLE_EXTRA_WARNINGS=1. If it is overly annoying, let me know and I will consider making it disabled by default in a future release. + When enumerating the importer object (i.e., "for (let i in imports) {...}") you will now get the names of any built-in modules that have previously been imported. (But don't do this, anyway.) - Closed bugs: * SpiderMonkey 38 prep [#776966, Philip Chimento] * Misc fixes [#777205, Philip Chimento] * missing class name in error message [#642506, Philip Chimento] * Add continuous integration to GJS [#776549, Claudio André] * Switch to SpiderMonkey 38 [#777962, Philip Chimento] - Progress towards a build of GJS on Windows [Chun-wei Fan] - Progress towards increasing test coverage [Claudio André] - Misc bug fixes [Philip Chimento] ======================================== glib ======================================== Overview of changes in GLib 2.51.2 ================================== * Minimal support for UUIDs has been added * A new file attribute, G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_RECENT_MODIFIED has been added to improve sorting of recent files * Bugs fixed: 639078 UUID support feature request 777135 gkeyfile: Be more specific about error codes in documentation 777307 race condition between gdbus signal callback and g_bus_unwatch_name... 777481 goutputstream: docs: fix typos 777493 g_mkdtemp() not introspectable 777507 Recent view sorting incorrectly 777592 Add minor examples to GDBus and GVariant documentation 778002 race in gdbusprivate.c detected by the ThreadSanitizer 778096 race in gdbusconnection reported by TSan * Translation updates: Norwegian bokmål Polish Simplified Chinese Slovak Spanish Swedish ======================================== gnome-backgrounds ======================================== =============== Version 3.23.91 =============== - default ======================================== gnome-bluetooth ======================================== ver 3.20.1: - Unknown device types now show as "Unknown" rather than "All types" - Fix an invisible spinner when pairing - Fix PIN font size ======================================== gnome-boxes ======================================== - Feb 1, 2017 ====================== Unplanned release to fix a possibly exploitable vulnerability. Changes since 3.23.4: - Fix translator comments. - Port BoxesNotification from GdNotification to GtkRevealer. - Store the user password in the keyring during an express installation. - Use unicode in a new translatable string. - Added/updated/fixed translations: - Polish - Danish Dependencies changed: libsecret-1 (new dependency) All contributors to this release: Ask Hjorth Larsen <> Debarshi Ray <> Felipe Borges <> Piotr Drąg <> ======================================== gnome-calculator ======================================== Overview of changes in gnome-calculator 3.23.90 * Fixed unit conversion from negative constant numbers bgo#778311 (PioneerAxon) * Better error highlighting (PioneerAxon) * Fix null token causing segfault (PioneerAxon) * Set application id bgo#778228 (Robert Roth) * Documentation for the history view bgo#681935 (Sanket Dasgupta) * Added Desktop Publishing Point length unit bgo#778449 (Robert Roth) * Use angle units from settings in search provider bgo#778274 (Robert Roth) * Fixed incorrect value for ans in variable popup bgo#778242 (Robert Roth) * Updated Indonesian translation (Kukuh Syafaat) * Updated Catalan translation (Christian Kirbach) * Updated German translation (Mario Blättermann) * Updated Polish translation (Piotr Drąg) * Updated Slovak translation (Dušan Kazik) * Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation (Rafael Fontenelle) * Updated Spanish translation (Daniel Mustieles) * Updated Czech translation (Marek Černocký) * Updated Norwegian bokmål translation (Kjartan Maraas) ======================================== gnome-calendar ======================================== Major changes in 3.23.90: * Week view (pandunonu2, Georges Basile Stavracas Neto) * Improvements on the search popover * Fix Year view not synchronized with Month view (Isaque Galdino) * Correctly check if Edit dialog is editing a new event (Mohammed Sadiq) * Improve focus tracking on the quick add popover (Mohammed Sadiq) * Add a Flatpak manifest (Christian Hergert) * Align circle with subtitle in Edit dialog (Andrei Ceapa) * Updates translations for: * Basque (Inaki Larranaga Murgoitio) * Brazilian Portuguese (Fábio Nogueira) * Catalan (Jordi Mas) ======================================== gnome-clocks ======================================== gnome-clocks 3.23.90 ==================== * Withdraw notifications when the application receives focus ======================================== gnome-control-center ======================================== =============== Version 3.23.90 =============== - New Printers, User Accounts and Online Accounts designs - Keyboard shortcuts bug fixes - Add "Night Light" functionality to Display settings - Add Wayland support to Wacom settings, and update design ======================================== gnome-desktop ======================================== =============== Version 3.23.90 =============== - Always prefer the backend-provided preview in thumbnails (#738503) - Use ibus-libzhuyin as default input method for Simplified Chinese (#772674) - Deprecated gnome_desktop_thumbnail_scale_down_pixbuf (#775991) ======================================== gnome-logs ======================================== GNOME Logs 3.23.90 ================== * translator comments improvement from Piotr Drąg * exact search type crash fix from Pranav Ganorkar * fix crash when users don't have proper permissions * updates to Slovak, Chinese, Polish, Galician and Indonesian translations ======================================== gnome-maps ======================================== 3.23.90 - Feb 13, 2017 ========================= Added/updated/fixed translations: - Slovak - Chinese (China) - Indonesian All contributors to this release: Dingzhong Chen <> Dušan Kazik <> Kukuh Syafaat <> Marcus Lundblad <> ======================================== gnome-online-accounts ======================================== Overview of changes in 3.23.90 ============================== * Bugs fixed: 772205 Use double quotes instead of single quotes in translatable strings * Updated translations: Belarusian Catalan Czech Danish Friulian German Indonesian Kazakh Norwegian bokmål Polish Russian Slovak Spanish ======================================== gnome-photos ======================================== Overview of changes in 3.23.90 ============================== * Bugs fixed: 690255 Try to avoid low resolution thumbnails 763712 Use G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE 777053 tests: Wait for the UI to be drawn completely 777492 Notify when an online account needs attention 778620 Appdata uses screenshots of older version * Updated translations: Catalan Czech Danish Finnish Friulian German Indonesian Kazakh Polish Slovak Swedish Ukrainian ======================================== gnome-settings-daemon ======================================== =============== Version 3.23.90 =============== Color: - Add interface to support "Night Light" functionality Media-keys: - Fix a number of race conditions in shortcuts grabbing Power: - Free leaked UPower keyboard backlight - Fix keyboard backlight problems on some systems Rfkill: - Fix a number of possible race conditions and crashes with slow rfkill devices Smartcard: - Fix a possible crash in smartcard plugin Wacom: - Move most of the Wacom support to mutter, including the OSD ======================================== gnome-shell ======================================== 3.23.90 ======= * Handle Ctrl+Q and Ctrl+W in portal window [Bastien; #764133] * Allow to scroll through ibus candidates with mouse [Peng; #776032] * Reload apps on .desktop file content changes [Adrian; #773636] * Use private data/cache directories in portal helper [Bastien; #775639] * Fix subsurfaces not showing up in previews [Rui; #756715] * Fix theme node transitions [Florian; #778145] * Update pad (o)leds on mode switches [Carlos; #776543] * Add security indicators to defend against malicious portals [Bastien; #749197] * Don't allow type ahead at the login screen [Ray; #766139] * Don't fail to load because of TLS errors [Bastien; #778253] * Ensure the network lists remains sorted on rename [Benjamin; #778686] * Toggle power-off/suspend button on long-press [Florian; #721173] * Add "kill-switch" for user extensions [Florian; #778664] * Add night light indicator to status area [Florian; #741224] * Misc. bug fixes [Michael, Bastien, Carlos, Rui, Florian, Alan, Philip, Jonas; #759793, #735233, #762444, #777784, #777934, #778158, #776199, #778425, #771098, #778552, #777317, #778660, #778661, #745626, #778672] Contributors: Jonas Ådahl, Benjamin Berg, Michael Catanzaro, Philip Chimento, Alan Coopersmith, Piotr Drąg, Carlos Garnacho, Yuri Konotopov, Lionel Landwerlin, Rui Matos, Florian Müllner, Bastien Nocera, Adrian Perez de Castro, Robert Roth, Ray Strode, Peng Wu Translations: Jiri Grönroos [fi], Balázs Meskó [hu], Gábor Kelemen [hu], Daniel Mustieles [es], Dušan Kazik [sk], Piotr Drąg [ar, eu, fa, hr, pa, pt, sr, sr@latin], Rafael Fontenelle [pt_BR], Jordi Mas [ca], Piotr Drąg [pl], Alexandre Franke [fr], Baurzhan Muftakhidinov [kk], Yuras Shumovich [be], Mandy Wang [zh_CN], Marek Černocký [cs], Kukuh Syafaat [id], Kjartan Maraas [nb], Daniel Korostil [uk] ======================================== gnome-shell-extensions ======================================== 3.23.90 ======= * window-list: Improve styling * window-list: Hide workspace indicator when there's a single (static) workspace * new translation (be) ======================================== gnome-software ======================================== Version 3.23.90 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2017-02-13 This is an unstable release in the 3.23 development series, with the following improvements: * Handle apt and snap URLs * Show the updates panel with sections * Sort the apps in the installed panel by kind The following bugs are also fixed: * Add a more detailed error message when AC power is required * Do not hardcode the gnome-software application name * Ensure firmware is downloaded when not cached * Fix a rather large memory leak when loading Steam data * Fix launching Flatpak apps after updating * Install needed Flatpak runtimes when updating an app * Only show the scary firmware warning for removable devices This release also updates translations. Version 3.23.3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2016-12-15 This is an unstable release in the 3.23 development series, with the following improvements: * Add an --install and --interaction CLI options * Add the installed size of the apps in the installed view * Always set a description for each notification * Show an in-app notification when installed plugins are changed * Use a set of stars to show the different star ratings The following bugs are also fixed: * Add a missing error check to fix a common crash on LiveDVD media * Add thread locking in GsApp to fix some common crashes * Allow upgrading to Fedora EOL releases * Don't allow review actions when offline * Ensure we actually schedule firmware updates for download * Fix the getting of PackageKit and flatpak update details * Hide some notifications when the new app is launched or the window is closed * Hide the screenshot placeholder for input methods and langpacks This release also updates translations. ======================================== gnome-system-monitor ======================================== New in 3.23.90 - 13 February 2017 * added/updated translations Stas Solovey (ru) Balázs Meskó (hu) A S Alam (pa) Gianvito Cavasoli (it) Baurzhan Muftakhidinov (kk) Sveinn í Felli (is) Rafael Fontenelle (pt_br) Dušan Kazik (sk) Anders Jonsson (se) List of fixed bugs 778470 Add option to disable smooth (curves) graph (Robert Roth) ======================================== gnome-video-effects ======================================== --------------------------------- version 0.4.3 - Include effects in distribution tarball version 0.4.2 - Correct spelling of inversion effect Fixes bug 707650 - Use only POSIX sh syntax in - Added/Updated Translations - as, courtesy of ngoswami - bg, courtesy of Alexander Shopov - bs, courtesy of Samir Ribic - ca, courtesy of Gil Forcada - ca@valencia, courtesy of Carles Ferrando - cs, courtesy of Marek Černocký - da, courtesy of Kenneth Nielsen - de, courtesy of Wolfgang Stöggl - el, courtesy of MarMav - en_GB, courtesy of David King - es, courtesy of Daniel Mustieles - et, courtesy of Mattias Põldaru - eu, courtesy of Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio - fa, courtesy of Arash Mousavi - fi, courtesy of Ville-Pekka Vainio - fur, courtesy of Fabio Tomat - fr, courtesy of Alexandre Franke - gl, courtesy of Fran Diéguez - hr, courtesy of gogo - hu, courtesy of Balázs Úr - id, courtesy of Andika Triwidada - it, courtesy of Claudio Arseni - lv, courtesy of Rūdolfs Mazurs - ja, courtesy of Hajime Taira - ko, courtesy of Changwoo Ryu - lt, courtesy of Aurimas Černius - nb, courtesy of Kjartan Maraas - nl, courtesy of Justin van Steijn - oc, courtesy of Cédric Valmary - pa, courtesy of A S Alam - pl, courtesy of Piotr Drąg - pt, courtesy of Pedro Albuquerque - pt_BR, courtesy of Enrico Nicoletto - ro, courtesy of Daniel Șerbănescu - ru, courtesy of Yuri Myasoedov - sk, courtesy of Dušan Kazik - sl, courtesy of Matej Urbančič - sr, courtesy of Мирослав Николић - sr@latin, courtesy of Miroslav Nikolić - sv, courtesy of Anders Jonsson - tr, courtesy of Muhammet Kara - vi, courtesy of Trần Ngọc Quân - zh_CN, courtesy of Tong Hui - zh_HK, courtesy of Chao-Hsiung Liao - zh_TW, courtesy of Chao-Hsiung Liao ======================================== grilo ======================================== NEW in 0.3.3 ============ * Support to Meson build included * Updated Travis CI to use docker and support meson builds * Updated translations * Bugs fixed: * BGO#771339 - Test: tracker-backend.vala:211: Falling back to bus backend * BGO#773422 - net: Always return an error on failure * BGO#774394 - gir break since commit 463d94d6022d * BGO#774578 - test_net_wc_throttling_cb: assertion failed * BGO#775950 - Add Meson build support in grilo core * Contributors to this release: Alexander Shopov <> Bastien Nocera <> David King <> Dominique Leuenberger <> Juan A. Suarez Romero <> Marinus Schraal <> Victor Toso <> liushuyu <> ======================================== grilo-plugins ======================================== NEW in 0.3.4 ============ * General * Add support to Meson build * Updated translations * BGO#775957 - Add Meson build support in Grilo Plugins * BGO#770959 - Add gperf check in * dleyna plugin * BGO#777210 - dleyna-plugin: should convert from bits/second to kbits/second * dmap plugin * BGO#771446 - dmap: Add "supported-media" metadata for sources * itunes-podcast plugin * BGO#771445 - itunes-podcast: Fix source appearing in Videos * BGO#773702 - itunes-podcast: page displays low resolution thumbnails * local-metadata plugin * BGO#775957 - Rename localmetadata references to local-metadata * lua-factory plugin * BGO#778596 - Fix unused-function warning when building without GOA * optical-media plugin * BGO#775561 - GFile is owned by GFileIcon. Do not unref it * radiofrance plugin * BGO#773310 - "Radio France" source broken again * raitv plugin * BGO#776482 - raitv: XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document * tmdb plugin * BGO#770806 - Using GTask instead of GSimpleAsyncResult * tracker plugin * BGO#774748 - tracker: Support favorite read/write * Contributors to this release: Alexander Shopov <> Ask Hjorth Larsen <> Bastien Nocera <> Ben Walsh <> Carlos Garnacho <> David King <> Inaki Larranaga Murgoitio <> Juan A. Suarez Romero <> Kjartan Maraas <> Marinus Schraal <> Tom Tryfonidis <> Victor Toso <> liushuyu <> vrishab <> ======================================== gsettings-desktop-schemas ======================================== Major changes in 3.23.90 ======================== - Use more fancy characters in translatable strings - Fix "<super>s" shortcut being used for 2 separate actions ======================================== gtk+ ======================================== Overview of Changes in GTK+ 3.89.4 ================================== * API changes - gtk_init and other init functions no longer take commandline arguments - Functions that are only useful with commandline arguments have been dropped - Widgets, except for toplevels, are now visible by default - Style properties are no longer supported * Vulkan rendrerer - Implement more clipping * CSS - Specifying px for pixels is now required * Bugs fixed: 358970 gtk_scale_set_digits does not cause value to be rounded if draw-value... 770112 The documented <alt>left shortcut doesn’t work on Wayland 773299 Ensure GTK+-4.x builds and works on Windows (MSVC in particular) 773686 Software when launched shows in dash with wrong icon, name and menu 775864 getting-started: typo tie->the 776225 [wayland] dropdown placed somewhere in the screen 777363 wayland: avoid an unnecessary g_list_length call 777547 Notebook arrow icon wrong color after closing final tab 778009 menu drawn on top of menubar in Fedora * Translation updates: Finnish Galician German Icelandic Kazakh Polish Simplified Chinese Slovak Spanish Overview of Changes in GTK+ 3.89.3 ================================== * GtkWidget now has API to navigate child widgets: - gtk_widget_get_{first,last}_child and gtk_widget_get_{prev,next}_sibling - A number of non-container widgets have been converted to use child widgets internally: GtkSwitch, GtkSpinButton, GtkActionBar * GtkAboutDialog can show a 'System' tab * GTK+ CSS now supports the filter: property and a -gtk-icon-filter function that replaces and generalizes -gtk-icon-effect * GtkInspector can now save render nodes for testing and debugging * More tests for render nodes have been added * GtkTreeView and cell renderers have been more completely converted to the snapshot() api * More widgets have been converted to snapshot(): GtkCalendar, GtkColorPlane * Vulkan renderer: - Combine draw calls when possible - Handle (some) clipping on the GPU - Handle linear gradients - Handle opacity - Support color transformations - Handle borders * Wayland - Support the Vulkan renderer * X11 - Call XInitThreads(), since this is needed with Mesa Vulkan drivers * Mir - Implement window properties - Track the focus window - Connect to content-hub and use it for copy/paste - Support modal windows * Bug fixes: 775732 mir: clipboard support missing 775846 gdk/wayland: Add support for the gtk-enable-primary-paste gsetting 776524 GtkAboutDialog: Fix formatting of example email address in html documentation 776560 icon-browser: window opens at very narrow size, only showing 1 column of icons 776604 about dialog: Add a "system" tab 776627 Correct PostScript capitalization 776807 GtkInspector doesn't show up when Gtk is initialized through option group 776868 Improve the documentation of GtkEntry:attributes 777176 [wayland] gedit killed by protocol error "Invalid anchor rectangle size" * Translation updates: Brazilian Portuguese Catalan Czech German Hungarian Norwegian bokmål Russian Spanish ======================================== gtk-vnc ======================================== Feb 9, 2017: Release 0.7.0 =========================== o CVE-2017-5884 - fix bounds checking for RRE, hextile and copyrect encodings o CVE-2017-5885 - fix color map index bounds checking o Add API to allow smooth scaling to be disabled o Workaround to help SPICE servers quickly drop VNC clients which mistakenly connect, by sending "RFB " signature bytes early o Don't accept color map entries for true-color pixel formats o Add missing vala .deps files for gvnc & gvncpulse o Avoid crash if host/port is NULL o Add precondition checks to some public APIs o Fix link to home page in README file o Fix misc memory leaks o Clamp cursor hot-pixel to within cursor region ======================================== gvfs ======================================== Major changes in 1.31.90 ======================== * recent: Set G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_RECENT_MODIFED attribute * client: Ignore everything after first colon in userinfo * Stability improvements for force unmount procedure * Port several parts to GTask * Various logging improvements * Several smaller bugfixes * Translation updates ======================================== libgtop ======================================== 13 February 2017: Overview of changes in 2.35.90 ================================================ * Linux: - Use dynamically allocated cpu buffer - Do not cache getpagesize() - Use faster g_ascii_isspace in tokenization - Ignore paragraphs not describing a CPU/core * Updated translations * Added more gettext options ======================================== libsigc++ ======================================== 2.99.8: (unstable) * signal_impl: - Use std::weak_ptr<signal_impl> in connected slots, to avoid a memory leak. (Kjell Ahlstedt) Bug #775871 - clear(): Really avoid erasing the slots prematurely. (Kjell Ahlstedt) * slot_rep: Make destructor, destroy, and clone() virtual, instead of using function pointers that do the same thing. (Kjell Ahlstedt) Bug #777618 Build: * Visual Studio builds: Require Visual Studio 2017. (Chun-wei Fan) * Add tests/, to run the tests under valgrind. (Kjell Ahlstedt) Bug #775871 * Make --disable-benchmark work. (Christophe Lermytte) Bug #774732 * Make silent builds really silent. (Kjell Ahlstedt) Bug #768797 ======================================== mutter ======================================== 3.23.90 ======= * Fix window menu placement with HiDPI [Jonas; #776055] * Improve EGLStream support [Jonas; #773629] * Start moving low-level monitor configuration into mutter [Jonas; #777732] * Fix erroneous key event repeats [Rui; #774989] * Don't hardcode seat ID in ClutterDeviceManager [Carlos; #778092] * Fix "ghost" cursors in multi-monitor setups [Jonas; #771056] * Use eglGetPlatformDisplay [Adam; #772422] * Fix erratic raise_or_lower behavior [Jose; #705200] * Fix coordinate mapping of absolute devices [Carlos; #774115] * Show OSD on tablet mode switches [Carlos; #771098] * Make mutter libs parallel installable [Jonas; #777317] * Only apply keymap when not running nested [Jonas; #777800] * Set right scale for tablet tool cursors on HiDPI [Carlos; #778474] * Adjust server-side shadows to match Adwaita [Juraj; #744667] * Misc. bug fixes [Jonas, Bastien, Carlos, Peter, Lionel, Jeremy, Florian; #774891, #777389, #777691, #778262, #776543, #778684, #778699, #744667] Contributors: Jonas Ådahl, Jeremy Bicha, Piotr Drąg, Juraj Fiala, Carlos Garnacho, Peter Hutterer, Adam Jackson, Lionel Landwerlin, Jose Marino, Rui Matos, Florian Müllner, Bastien Nocera Translations: Kjartan Maraas [nb], Mandy Wang [zh_CN], Marek Černocký [cs], Anders Jonsson [sv], Dušan Kazik [sk], Piotr Drąg [pl], Matej Urbančič [sl] ======================================== nautilus ======================================== Major changes in 3.23.90: * Add <ctrl> Return as shortcut to open selected folder in new window (Felipe Borges) * <ctrl> N now opens the window in the same location as the current view (Felibe Borges) * Fixes on managing menus with keyboard (djb) * Remove unused <ctrl> B shortcut (Jeremy Bicha) * Use a better empty state for trash (Mohammed Sadiq) * Fix floating bar hide on hover when using tabs (Ernestas Kulik) * Syncronize gtk+ and Nautilus setting for sorting the folder first (Felipe Borges) * Select entire names for folder when renaming (Razvan Chitu) * Support to open folders withouth permission using polkit and the admin backend (Carlos Soriano) * Fix trash operations progress report (Carlos Soriano) * Improve performance setting metadata only when necesary (Carlos Soriano) * Fix progress reporting when copying (rpm-build) * Prevent toolbar menu dissapearing when "Hidden files" menu item is toggled (Neil Herald) * Update app icon (Jakub Steiner, Lapo Calamandrei) * Fix icon scale computation when changing DPI (Lionel Landwerlin) * Add <ctrl> M as alternate shortcut for renaming for those laptops withouth "f" keys (Cristian Nancu) * Fix crash when pressing enter on search (Alexandru Pandelea) * Fix failed build with tracker disabled (Ernestas Kulik) * Ask the user for using desktop files from unknown sources (Carlos Soriano) * Improve the operations button animation in order to not need to show the operations popover (Carlos Soriano) * Add an experimental icon view based on flow box with extra niceties under a gsetting preference (Carlos Soriano) ======================================== network-manager-applet ======================================== ====================================================== network-manager-applet-1.4.4 Overview of changes since network-manager-applet-1.4.2 ====================================================== This is a new stable release of network-manager-applet. Notable changes include: * Added the capability to start inport of a VPN connection from the command line with "nm-connection-editor --import" option * Allow editing of Ethernet link properties, such as link speed or duplex setting * Added support for creating and editing IP tunnel connections * Added support for editing Proxy setting whe built with NetworkManager 1.6 or newer * Added support for TTLS/MSCHAPV2 method * Improved the cloned MAC address selection * Lot of bug fixes * Translation updates ======================================== orca ======================================== 3.23.4 - 2 February 2017 Web: * Optionally announce when entering and leaving blockquotes, lists, tables, panels, forms, and landmarks * Improve handling of pages where the content is rapidly and repeatedly destroyed and replaced * Improve workarounds for several Gecko editable-text bugs * Ensure we always announce ARIA landmark type before setting the caret * Improve presentation of ARIA regions * Add custom support for ARIA switch role * Present messages resulting from use of aria-invalid * Check for and filter out defunct objects when building elements list * Eliminate double-speaking of line after document load * Suppress presentation of irrelevant loading messages resulting from busy state-change events in SeaMonkey's mail client * Eliminate double-speaking of inferred labels in SayAll * Fix several instances where new document name was not being presented * Handle (un)ordered lists in which item text falls outside the item element * Descend images if they are imagemaps so that we don't fail to present their content LibreOffice: * Fix crash presenting certain Writer tables * Handle LO's recently-corrected exposure of text attributes for spellcheck * Handle change in LO's accessibility tree for dialogs * Handle more cases of LO objects becoming defunct * Don't assume we can always get a string value for Calc input line * Yet another workaround for yet another missing state-changed event General: * Make spoken presentation of accessible description optional * Work around missing focus-change events when focus changes due to a mouse click * Use Unicode in translatable strings * Fix several issues in which we incorrectly update our location based on bogus or redundant accessibility events * Reduce chattiness associated with presentation of typeahead search * Include infobar content when presenting status bar and default button * Reduce chattiness associated with icons which incorrectly implement accessible text * Improve presentation of editable comboboxes * Fix bug in which Orca is silent on launch due to inability to access default screen * Don't generate substring content unnecessarily (performance) * Don't treat an empty table as layout only if the user gives it focus * Fix bug speaking punctuation when punctuation style is set to NONE * Stop converting horizontal ellipses to "..." in braille New and updated translations (THANKS EVERYONE!!!): cs Czech Marek Černocký de German Christian Kirbach es Spanish Daniel Mustieles fr French Claude Paroz gl Galician Fran Diéguez hu Hungarian Attila Hammer, Balázs Meskó nl Dutch Justin van Steijn pl Polish Piotr Drąg pt_BR Brazilian Portuguese Rafael Fontenelle ========= ======================================== phodav ======================================== v2.2 ==== - adjust to GLIb's GUuid - update Danish translation ======================================== totem ======================================== Major changes in 3.23.90: - Add keyboard shortcut to de-select all items - Fix possible crash on first run - Set a minimum width for the "Go" menu - Mark many audio and video mime-types as handled - Add more shortcuts to the keyboard shortcuts dialogue - Fix a small memory leak in thumbnailer - Fix missing plugins' startup notification on Wayland - Fix crash when network turns off - Port to non-obsoleted widgets - and build fixes ======================================== vala ======================================== Vala 0.35.5 =========== * Fix regression. Vala 0.35.4 =========== * Bug fixes and binding updates.