The following modules have a new version:
 - at-spi2-core (2.25.90 => 2.25.91)
 - epiphany (3.25.90 => 3.25.91)
 - evince (3.25.4 => 3.25.91)
 - evolution-data-server (3.25.90 => 3.25.91)
 - gdk-pixbuf (2.36.8 => 2.36.9)
 - gdm (3.25.90 =>
 - gjs (1.49.90 => 1.49.91)
 - glib (2.53.5 => 2.53.6)
 - gnome-calculator (3.25.90 => 3.25.91)
 - gnome-clocks (3.25.2 => 3.25.90)
 - gnome-disk-utility (3.25.90 => 3.25.91)
 - gnome-documents (3.25.4 => 3.25.90)
 - gnome-logs (3.25.90 => 3.25.91)
 - gnome-maps (3.25.90 => 3.25.91)
 - gnome-music (3.25.90 => 3.25.91)
 - gnome-shell-extensions (3.25.90 => 3.25.91)
 - gnome-software (3.25.90 => 3.25.91) (*)
 - gnome-system-monitor (3.25.90 => 3.25.91)
 - gnome-weather (3.24.0 => 3.25.91)
 - gspell (1.5.3 => 1.5.4)
 - gvfs (1.33.90 => 1.33.91)
 - libgweather (3.24.1 => 3.25.91)
 - mutter (3.25.90 => 3.25.91)
 - pango (1.40.9 => 1.40.11)
 - simple-scan (3.25.90 => 3.25.91) (*)
 - vala (0.37.2 => 0.37.90)
(*) No summarized news available

The following modules weren't upgraded in this release:
   NetworkManager, adwaita-icon-theme, at-spi2-atk, atk, atkmm, baobab,
   cairomm, cantarell-fonts, caribou, cheese, clutter, clutter-gst,
   clutter-gtk, cogl, dconf, eog, file-roller, folks, gcab, gcr, gedit,
   geocode-glib, gfbgraph, glib-networking, glibmm, gmime, gnome-backgrounds,
   gnome-bluetooth, gnome-boxes, gnome-calendar, gnome-characters,
   gnome-color-manager, gnome-contacts, gnome-control-center, gnome-desktop,
   gnome-font-viewer, gnome-getting-started-docs, gnome-initial-setup,
   gnome-keyring, gnome-menus, gnome-online-accounts, gnome-online-miners,
   gnome-photos, gnome-screenshot, gnome-session, gnome-settings-daemon,
   gnome-shell, gnome-terminal, gnome-themes-standard, gnome-todo,
   gnome-user-docs, gnome-user-share, gnome-video-effects,
   gobject-introspection, gom, graphene, grilo, grilo-plugins,
   gsettings-desktop-schemas, gsound, gssdp, gtk+, gtk-doc, gtk-vnc, gtkmm,
   gtksourceview, gupnp, gupnp-av, gupnp-dlna, gupnp-igd, json-glib,
   libchamplain, libcroco, libgdata, libgee, libgepub, libgnomekbd, libgovirt,
   libgrss, libgsf, libgtop, libgxps, libhttpseverywhere, libmediaart,
   libnotify, libpeas, librsvg, libsecret, libsigc++, libsoup, libwnck,
   libxml2, libxslt, libzapojit, mm-common, mousetweaks, nautilus,
   network-manager-applet, orca, pangomm, phodav, pyatspi, pygobject, rest,
   sushi, totem, totem-pl-parser, tracker, tracker-miners, vino, vte, yelp,
   yelp-tools, yelp-xsl, zenity


What's new in at-spi2-core 2.25.91:

* Meson builds should now be usable.


3.25.91 - August 21, 2017

- Miscellaneous improvements to Firefox Sync support
- Updated translations


Evince   3.25.91

New features and improvements:

    * Add support for Adobe Illustrator documents (#311990, Bastien

Bug fixes:

    * Fix gnome-settings-daemon MediaKeys API use (#786262, Jeremy
    * Fix infinite loop when removing annotation windows (#785975,
      Jose Aliste)
    * Fix rendering of layer state in layers tree sidebar (#786464,
      Jonas Hahnfeld)
    * Properly quote arguments when executing dvipdfm in DVI backend
      (#784947, Tobias Mueller)
    * Fix runtime warnings on exit (#774833, Caolán McNamara)
    * Fix debug borders coordinate translation (#785758, astian)
    * Properly handle errors in comics backend (#784963, Bastien
    * Don't strip filenames when extracting comic documents (#784963,
      Bastien Nocera)


    * Remove custom-shortcuts section dropped in GTK 3.10 (#758246,
      Andre Klapper)
    * Cover F9 shortcut (#783276, Andre Klapper)
    * Update 'Adding Annotations' to reflect the UI (Andre Klapper)
    * Update several screenshots (Andre Klapper)
    * Update custom shortcut instructions (Andre Klapper)
    * 'Index' dropdown is called 'Outline' now (Andre Klapper)
    * Fix several typos in documentation (Petr Kovar, Sebastian

Translation updates:

    * Marek Černocký (cs)
    * Mario Blättermann (de)
    * Daniel Mustieles (es)
    * Jiri Grönroos (fi)
    * Fabio Tomat (fur)
    * Fran Dieguez (gl)
    * gogo (hr)
    * Gabor Kelemen (hu)
    * Meskó Balázs (hu)
    * Andika Triwidada (id)
    * Baurzhan Muftakhidinov (kk)
    * Pawan Chitrakar (ne)
    * Piotr Drąg (pl)
    * Dušan Kazik (sk)
    * Matej Urbančič (sl)
    * Miroslav Nikolić (sr@latin)
    * Мирослав Николић (sr)
    * Anders Jonsson (sv)
    * Muhammet Kara (tr)


Evolution-Data-Server 3.25.91 2017-08-21

Bug Fixes:
	Bug 781901 - [CamelOperation] Do not use g_cancellable_connect/disconnect() (Milan Crha)
	Bug 786366 - Convert C source files to UTF-8 (Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig))

	Add new developer documentation file into (Milan Crha)

	Kukuh Syafaat (id)
	Fabio Tomat (fur)
	Fran Dieguez (gl)
	Gianvito Cavasoli (it)
	Aurimas Černius (lt)
	Pawan Chitrakar (ne)
	Gábor Kelemen (hu)
	Marek Cernocky (cs)
	Anish Sheela (ml)


* build: meson build improvements
* OS X: don't require shared-mime-info (#786167)
* gif: fix a coverity warning (#785696)
* build: make queryloaders output reproducible (#7835920
* Translation updates


- Fix breakage in greeter and initial setup
- Translation updates



- Deprecation: The private "__name__" property on Lang.Class instances is
  now discouraged. Code should not have been using this anyway, but if it did
  then it should use the "name" property on the class (this.__name__ should
  become, which is compatible with ES6 classes.

- Closed bugs:

  * Use ES6 classes [#785652, Philip Chimento]
  * A few fixes for stack traces and error reporting [#786183, Philip Chimento]
  * /proc/self/stat is read for every frame if GC was not needed [#786017,
    Benjamin Berg]

- Build fix [Philip Chimento]


Overview of changes in GLib 2.53.6

* Bugs fixed:
 766358 glib doesn't respect XDG_* envvars on W32, ever
 783270 Improve Visual Studio support for Meson builds
 785955 pthread_setname_np misdetected with meson
 786060 Sequences documentation does not make it clear...
 786360 gobject: add autoptr support for GClosure
 786452 crash on Linux without stderr stream
 786460 gio-tool: Unify buffer sizes
 786462 Use g_output_stream_write_all instead of while
 786463 gio-tool-save: Prevent overwriting error

* Translation updates:


Overview of changes in gnome-calculator 3.25.91
    * Updated Galician translation (Fran Dieguez)
    * Updated Slovenian translation (Matej Urbančič)
    * Updated Turkish translation (Çağatay Yiğit Şahin)
    * Updated Serbian translation (Мирослав Николић)
    * Updated Finnish translation (Jiri Grönroos)
    * Updated French translation (Claude Paroz)


gnome-clocks 3.25.90

 * Updated translations


3.25.91 - August 21, 2017

Jeremy Bicha:
  * Fix translation headers

Mitchell Horne:
  * Tweak memory management in filesystem dialog
  * Add unmount function to edit filesystem dialog

Kai Lüke:
  * Correct tooltip texts in resize dialog
  * Correct text for partition size entry
  * Disable action buttons during jobs
  * Delay sensitivity during job updates

Updated translations:
  * Andika Triwidada and Kukuh Syafaat (id), Baurzhan Muftakhidinov (kk),
    Balázs Meskó (hu), Claude Paroz (fr), Daniel Mustieles (es),
    Emin Tufan Çetin (tr), Fabio Tomat (fur), Fran Dieguez (gl), gogo (hr),
    Marek Cernocky (cs), Мирослав Николић (sr), Wolfgang Stöggl (de)


3.25.90 - "Roman Square"

- Use Gepub 0.5 (Jeremy Bicha)
- Use Tracker 2.0 (Jeremy Bicha)
- Use 'var' for classes that are exported (Jeremy Bicha & Cosimo Cecchi)
- Translation updates


GNOME Logs 3.25.91

* updates to Friulian, Indonesian, Slovenian, Polish, Galician, Serbian,
  Finnish, Turkish, Kazakh, Czech and German translations


3.25.91 - Aug 21, 2017

Changes since 3.25.90
  - Fix loading layer files when running as Flatpak
  - Don't allow adding more than one instance of address on OSM objects

Added/updated/fixed translations:
  - Indonesian
  - Galician
  - Turkish
  - Nepali
  - Polish

All contributors to this release:
Çağatay Yiğit Şahin <>
Fran Dieguez <>
Kukuh Syafaat <>
Marcus Lundblad <>
Pawan Chitrakar <>
Piotr Drąg <>


Overview of changes in 3.25.91

Bugs fixed:
 786541 Add missing logger imports
 786315 Make the playlist button a circle

Thanks to our contributors this release:
 Jean Felder
 Jordan Petridis

Translations updated:


* updated translations (ca, fr, it, pl, pt_BR, sr, sr@latin, tr)


New in 3.25.91 - 21 August 2017

* added/updated translations
  Baurzhan Muftakhidinov (kk)
  Claude Paroz (fr)
  Мирослав Николић (sr)
  Piotr Drąg (pl)
  Matej Urbančič (sl)
  Balázs Meskó (hu)
  Andika Triwidada (id)
  Fabio Tomat (fur)
  Mark Cernocky (cz)


* Weather can now be tiled on sufficiently large monitors [#725407]
* Fixed compatibility with mozjs52, and improved code to take advantage
  of the new JavaScript features
* Translation updates


News in 1.5.4, 2017-08-20
* Make the code that navigates through PangoLogAttr's more robust, for both
  GspellEntry and GspellTextView.
* Translation updates.

News in 1.4.2, 2017-08-19
* GspellEntry: make the code that navigates through PangoLogAttr's more robust.
* Translation updates.


Major changes in 1.33.91
* daemon: Avoid overflowing when querying for filesystem info
* proxy: Fix shadow mount handling for equal paths
* gdaemonfile: Fix g_file_equal for different mount_prefix
* gdaemonfile: Fix relative path handling
* client: Fix crash when calculating a relative path
* channel: Set sockets as nonblocking to prevent deadlocks when copying
* google: Report FS total size and free space
* Several smaller bugfixes
* Translation updates


Version 3.25.91

* New API to show uncapitalized weather [Florian Muellner, #779872]
* Memory management fixes [Florian Muellner, #781828]
* User visible string fixes [#785274]
* Location database updates and fixes [Piotr Drag, #780244]
* Updated translations


* Reduce memory use of suspended instances [Jonas; #786299]
* Make supported scales determination saner [Rui; #786474]
* Fix crash on inhibit-shortcuts dialog reponse [Jonas; #786385]
* Support libinput's tag-and-drag setting [freeroot; #775755]
* Avoid overlapping keybindings with multiple layouts [Jonas; #786408]
* Fix non-transformed cursor on rotated monitors [Jonas; #786023]
* Avoid unnecessary work during background painting [Alessandro; #783512]
* Misc. bug fixes [Alberts, Jonas, Mario; #691611, #786300, #777732, #786568]

  freeroot, Jonas Ådahl, Alessandro Bono, Carlos Garnacho, Rui Matos,
  Alberts Muktupāvels, Mario Sanchez Prada

  Muhammet Kara [tr], Claude Paroz [fr], Мирослав Николић [sr, sr@latin],
  Pawan Chitrakar [ne], Kukuh Syafaat [id]


Overview of changes between 1.40.10 and 1.40.11
- Fix backspacing for more Emoji sequences
- Make tests run faster

Overview of changes between 1.40.9 and 1.40.10
- Update Emoji data to version 5
- Apply gravity across spans in markup (#784243)
- Support variation selectors for shaping
- CoreText: Rely on CGFont for scaling (#782393)
- Fix grapheme breaks and backspacing for Emoji


Vala 0.37.90
 * Various bug fixes:
  - Fix some build-system problem
    + valadoc/tests: Add the source vapi directory to driver-test [#786505],
      Add ./vala/.libs rather than ./gee/.libs to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    + Explicitly link doclets against libvala-*.la [#786534]
    + Add missing include of Makefile.common
  - vapigen: Mark given source-files as such and force girparser to handle them
  - codegen: Include glib-object.h for Enums/Structs with type_id
 * Bindings:
  - gtk+-4.0: Make Gsk.Texturer.for_*() static factory methods