What's new in at-spi2-core 2.1.2: * Fix atspi_table_get_caption|summary. * Fix introspection for atspi_table_get_row_column_at_index. * Copy match rule attributes, rather than just ref counting the hash, for compatibility with pygi. * Rework atspi_accessible_set_cache_mask to make it usable. * Fix a crash that might happen if a method call times out. * Disable caching if atspi_event_main has not been called to run the main loop. * Fix atspi_accessible_get_toolkit_version. * Add atspi_accessible_get_atspi_version to fetch the version of the AT-SPI specification provided by an application. * Cache application-wide toolkit name and version. * Allow caching of attributes, but not enabling by default, as there is no event yet (BGO#649771). * Make deferred_messages a GQueue rather than a GList for performance reasons. * Fix accessibility bus breakage when a user runs an administrative app.