========== Version 2.19.91 released 2007-08-27 ========== 2007-08-27 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/ui/cuemiac/CuemiacTreeView.py: * deskbar/ui/cuemiac/WindowView.py: Add "Back to Matches" button under the list of actions. Make the '>' beneath matches that have more than one action clickable to go the list of actions. This replaces that you have to press ctrl while clicking on a match to display its actions. 2007-08-27 Sebastian Pölsterl * configure.ac: * NEWS: Version bump to 2.19.91 2007-08-26 Sebastian Pölsterl * data/smart-bookmarks.glade: Removed description that matches can be activated with Alt+LETTER, because this feature isn't available anymore. 2007-08-26 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/handlers/epiphany.py: Removed too much in the previous commit. 2007-08-26 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/core/BrowserMatch.py: * deskbar/handlers/epiphany.py: Fixed: Exception when using epiphany handler Some parts weren't ported to new API 2007-08-24 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/ui/preferences/DeskbarPreferences.py: * deskbar/ui/preferences/ModuleListView.py: Fixed: When moving modules with buttons the view didn't follow the selected module 2007-08-24 Sebastian Pölsterl * data/art/yahoo.png: Fixed bug #468813: Yahoo Extension Icon (thanks to Michael Monreal) 2007-08-24 Sebastian Pölsterl * data/art/Makefile.am: * data/art/web-search.png: * deskbar/core/Categories.py: * deskbar/handlers/epiphany.png: * deskbar/handlers/mozilla.png: Added web-search icon Changed icon of MozillaSearchHandler, EpiphanySearchHandler and websearch category to web-search 2007-08-22 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/core/Categories.py: Changed default icon for history to "document-open-recent" 2007-08-21 Sebastian Pölsterl * data/art/gpm-suspend-to-disk.png: * data/art/gpm-suspend-to-ram.png: Replaced with 16x16 icons (thanks to Michael Monreal) 2007-08-21 Sebastian Pölsterl * data/art/epiphany-history.png: Updated to new icon (thanks to Michael Monreal) 2007-08-21 Sebastian Pölsterl * data/art/folder-bookmark.png: * data/art/google.png: Removed unused icons 2007-08-20 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/ui/cuemiac/CuemiacHistory.py: Fixed bug #468452: History widget size Only the first line of text will be displayed in the history combobox. 2007-08-20 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/core/Categories.py: Changed icon of email category to 'emblem-mail' (patch by Michael Monreal) 2007-08-20 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/handlers/recent.py: Changed icon of RecentHandler to 'document-open-recent' (patch by Michael Monreal) 2007-08-20 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/handlers/programs.py: Changed icon for GnomeDictHandler to 'accessories-dictionary' because gdict isn't included in gnome-icon-theme anymore. (patch by Michael Monreal) 2007-08-20 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/ui/CuemiacWindowView.py: Changed icon of button to clear history to gtk.STOCK_CLEAR (patch by Michael Monreal) 2007-08-19 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/ui/CuemiacWindowView.py: Removed that window is always on top 2007-08-19 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/handlers/beagle-live.py: Display snippets of IM messages correctly 2007-08-19 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/ui/cuemiac/CuemiacTreeView.py: * deskbar/ui/CuemiacWindowController.py: * deskbar/ui/CuemiacWindowView.py: Clear entry, matches and actions list if "clear_entry" is True. Otherwise, navigation in the TreeView is still possible and would cause trouble. Set default entry icon correctly if needed. 2007-08-19 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/ui/cuemiac/CuemiacTreeView.py: * deskbar/ui/CuemiacWindowController.py: Pressing Enter in entry either activates selected match or top most that's not in a collapsed category 2007-08-19 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/core/DeskbarHistory.py: * deskbar/ui/cuemiac/CuemiacHistory.py: Added "cleared" signal to DeskbarHistory class. Display "Choose action" after history item has been selected and history has been cleared. 2007-08-19 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/deskbar-applet.py: * deskbar/gtkexcepthook.py: Install bug buddy exception hook. Removed dialog that displays stack trace. If an exception is raised in a module only bring up bug buddy if its filename is contained in a whitelist. That way we want to prevent that exceptions in 3rd-party handlers land in bugzilla. 2007-08-19 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/ui/cuemiac/CuemiacModel.py: Fixed: Match is labeled wrong if match has 2 actions 2007-08-19 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/handlers/beagle-live.py: * deskbar/handlers/evolution.py: Contacts retrieved by beagle-live and evolution should have the same hash 2007-08-19 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/ui/CuemiacWindowController.py: * deskbar/ui/CuemiacWindowView.py: Clear list of matches and actions not until first new match arrives 2007-08-19 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/core/DeskbarHistory.py * deskbar/handlers/files.py * deskbar/handlers/actions/GoToLocationAction.py * deskbar/handlers/actions/SendFileViaEmailAction.py * deskbar/handlers/actions/OpenWithNautilusAction.py * deskbar/handlers/actions/ShowUrlAction.py * deskbar/handlers/beagle-live.py * deskbar/handlers/desklicious.py * deskbar/ui/preferences/DeskbarPreferences.py * deskbar/ui/cuemiac/CuemiacHistory.py: Removed unused imports found by pyflakes 2007-08-19 Sebastian Pölsterl Added epydoc API documentation 2007-08-18 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/handlers/beagle-live.py: Display URL of WebHistory results properly. Added type directory to display files that actually are directories in places category. 2007-08-18 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/handlers/beagle-live.py: Removed config dialog. 2007-08-18 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/ui/preferences/DeskbarPreferences.py: Set More button sensitive when callback (module's show_config method) is callable and don't depend on value of INSTRUCTIONS attribute 2007-08-18 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/handlers/beagle-live.py: Display snippets italic Results contain hit source 2007-08-18 Sebastian Pölsterl * data/deskbar-applet.schemas.in: Changed default value from "clear_entry" to TRUE 2007-08-18 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/handlers/galeon.py: Removed galeon handler because galeon isn't maintained anymore 2007-08-18 Sebastian Pölsterl * data/deskbar-applet.schemas.in: * deskbar/core/CoreImpl.py: * deskbar/core/GconfStore.py: * deskbar/interfaces/Core.py: * deskbar/ui/CuemiacWindowController.py: * deskbar/ui/CuemiacWindowView.py: Display windows always in the middle of the screen and keep it above. Removed storing/setting window position. 2007-08-18 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/handlers/beagle-live.py: Fixed: Results from contacts and calendar are missing 2007-08-18 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/handlers/beagle-static.py: Fixed bug #467825: Beagle VS Beagle-Live plugin 2007-08-18 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/core/DeskbarHistory.py: * deskbar/handlers/actions/GoToLocationAction.py: * deskbar/handlers/actions/OpenDesktopFileActiony.py: * deskbar/handlers/actions/OpenFileAction.py: * deskbar/handlers/actions/OpenWithApplicationAction.py: * deskbar/handlers/actions/OpenWithNautilusActiony.py: * deskbar/handlers/actions/ShowUrlAction.py: * deskbar/ui/cuemiac/CuemiacHistory.py: * deskbar/ui/CuemiacWindowController.py: Implemented is_valid method properly and checking is_valid before restoring history and activating an action 2007-08-17 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/handlers/beagle-live.py: Fixed several bugs including display of snippets. 2007-08-17 Sebastian Pölsterl * data/deskbar-applet.pc.in: Removed 'handlersdir' and added 'modulesdir' 2007-08-17 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/handlers/files.py: Fixed: GtkBookmarkMatch throws exception 2007-08-17 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/ui/cuemiac/CuemiacTreeView.py: Fixed: Execute actions twice 2007-08-17 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/handlers/beagle-live.py: Fixed: Opening and searching for IM logs doesn't work 2007-08-17 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/ui/preferences/AccelEntry.py: Fixed bug #413097: wierd text-string in deskbar-applet 2007-08-17 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/ui/cuemiac/CuemiacTreeView.py: Fixed: Navigation issues if one or more categories where collapsed 2007-08-17 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/ui/CuemiacWindowController.py: Fixed: Doesn't close window after history action has been selected 2007-08-16 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/handlers/actions/ActionsFactory.py: Fixed: Only check for default application if a default application is available 2007-08-15 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/ui/DeskbarApplet.py: Fixed: Missing transparency 2007-08-15 Sebastian Pölsterl * data/deskbar-applet.schemas.in: * deskbar/core/CoreImpl.py: * deskbar/core/GconfStore.py: * deskbar/interfaces/Core.py: * deskbar/ui/CuemiacWindowController.py: * deskbar/ui/CuemiacWindowView.py: Removed "show_history" from GConf schema. Removed obsolote code to show/hide history 2007-08-15 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/ui/CuemiacWindowView.py: Select last match when up is pressed in entry. Select entry on CuemiacTreeView's "pressed-up-at-top" and "pressed-down-at-bottom" signals. Only restore small window if it has been saved before. 2007-08-15 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/ui/cuemiac/CuemiacTreeView.py: Added "pressed-up-at-top" and "pressed-down-at-bottom" signals. Emit above signals when down is pressed on last item and when up is pressed on first item instead of jumping to the top/bottom. 2007-08-15 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/ui/cuemiac/CuemiacEntry.py: Added signals "go-previous". Set default icon if history item is None. 2007-08-15 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/core/CoreImpl.py: Fixed: Disabled modules get still queried and return results 2007-08-15 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/ui/preferences/DeskbarPreferences.py: Fixed bug #466541: deskbar-applet crashed with AttributeError in on_disabled_module_changed() 2007-08-15 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/handlers/actions/ActionsFactory.py: * deskbar/handlers/actions/GoToLocationAction.py: * deskbar/handlers/actions/Makefile.am: * deskbar/handlers/beagle-live.py: * deskbar/handlers/files.py: * deskbar/handlers/recent.py: Added GoToLocationAction. Added Factory to easily get actions for given file. Make modules use the factory. Refactored beagle-live module. 2007-08-15 Sebastian Pölsterl * deskbar/handlers/actions/OpenFileAction.py: * deskbar/handlers/actions/OpenWithApplicationAction.py: * deskbar/handlers/actions/SendFileViaEmailAction.py: Resolved some displaying issues with above handlers ========== Version released 2007-08-14 ========== 2007-08-14 Sebastian Pölsterl * configure.ac: * NEWS: Version bump to