version 3.27.1 -------------- New features and user visibile changes: * Ported to meson. Bugs fixed: * unarchiver: check that XADFileSize is set before reading it. Lsar does not set XADFileSize for directories, so we would output a critical when encountering one. (Mike Gorse) (#791505) * nautilus-fileroller: Avoid the use of g_dgettext. nautilus-fileroller is using g_dgettext which may cause problems when extracting strings on some systems. This patch replaces g_dgettext for g_dcgettext, which has the same behaviour when the category is LC_MESSAGES. (Iñigo Martínez) (#790569) * rar archives: wrong file date when using rar 5.30 or higher. adapt to the new format. (#758121) * Support squashfs filesystems and .snap files (Robert Ancell) (#662519)