Overview of changes in gcalctool 5.27.5 * Perform power and factorials before negation so -1! and -1^0.5 are valid as in 5.26.x (Robert Ancell) * Connect functions to solve the function text and replace the display with the result (Robert Ancell, Bug #548884) * Change bison syntax to be compatible with version 2.3 (Robert Ancell, Bug #589350) * Compile with -DGSEAL_ENABLE (Thomas Anderson, Bug #588591) * Update gconf descriptions to match translation guidelines (Leonardo Fontenelle, Bug #589563) * Updated documentation: fr (Laurent Coudeur, Claude Paroz) * Updated translations: es (Jorge González), et (Ivar Smolin, Mattias Põldaru) fr (Claude Paroz), pt_BR (Daniel S. Koda)