========= GHex 44.2 ========= Changes and Bugfixes since GHex 44.0: - Mark three strings translatable (Sabri Ünal) - ui: Add tooltip to the main menu to comply with GNOME HIG (Sabri Ünal) - ui: Add shortcut for preferences and fix help shortcut description (Sabri Ünal) - appwin: Ensure HexStatusbar is registered before initting template (fixes #65) (Logan Rathbone) Translation updates: - Anders Jonsson (sv) - Asier Sarasua Garmendia (eu) - Balázs Úr (hu) - Bruce Cowan (en_GB) - Kukuh Syafaat (id) - Piotr Drąg (pl) - Sergej A (ru) - Yuri Chornoivan (uk) - Мирослав Николић (sr) - Andika Triwidada (id)