= gitg 41 = Manage if there's no textconv config Convert to text using gitattributes config Side by side diff text renderers Read setup for smart commits from git config Show diff stats only on text renderer Put image renderer first on stack Allow to diff images as text if its mime type supports it Add new-window action to desktop file Fix the ninja call in one of the building guides TextView needs to be wrapped in a scroll view fix libgitg-date test package failure Use GUri instead of SoupURI Avoid return null if old or new file fails to load Properly mark "head" parameter of ActionSupport.stash_if_needed() as nullable References of [GtkChild] fields is handled by GtkBuilder, type must be unowned Install correctly devel profile Icon honor profile Lane indicator line width set to 0. Option to switch to the newly created branch Remote branches can be checked out using double-click. Add shortcuts for history panels Give some button alt key Ctrl+O shortcut does not work Add missing Preferences shortcut Do not follow symlinks on recursive scan Local branch checkout using double-click. Lower the importance of missing gravatars from "warning" to "debug" Replace git.gnome.org with gitlab.gnome.org URLs Replace projects.gnome.org with wiki.gnome.org URLs fix CSS warning on MacOS Fix libgitg compile on macOS fixup! Honor prepare-commit-msg hook Remove unnecessery Shift key from a shortcut Access host XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git from flatpak Rely on libgit for global config file(s) Avoid shell injection on hooks Avoid G_LOG_DOMAIN redefinition on contrib code Fix deprecation for const Honor prepare-commit-msg hook Escape subject commit text preferences-interface: Disable gravatar loading by default Add message history to commit dialog Activities can process key events Update shortcut dialog Revert "Update GtkSourceView dependency" Fix vapi for gtksourceview Adding current gtksourceview vapi files config for fonts Don't ellipsize commit subject Avoid duplicating Signed-off-by signature Consider author and committer when filtering Setup editorconfig on close, selection should display back the gear menu add "RevisionControl" to desktop file Categories GitgHistory.RefRow: Don't assume that every GgitSignature has a time Allow loading of gravatar by default Change gtkspell3 to gspell vala: Remove obsolete vapi files Remove submodules config