Version 1.74.3 -------------- - Various fixes ported from the development branch. - Closed bugs and merge requests: * Possible errors in cairo enums [#516, !811, !852, VĂ­tor Vasconcellos] * cairo.SVGSurface need finish() and flush() to finalize painting [#515, !816, !852, tuberry] * Handle transfer-none string return value from vfunc implemented in JS [#519, !821, !823, !852, Marco Trevisan, Daniel van Vugt] * GJS freezes, program stops responding, error states Gtk4 EventController GestureClick returns incorrect state- Gdk.ModifierType on mouse button press in X11 [#507, !829, !852, Sundeep Mediratta] * gnome-shell crashes on exit in js::gc::Cell::storeBuffer [#472, !834, !852, Daniel van Vugt] * Memory leak with GError [#36, !837, !852, Marco Trevisan] * GVariant return values leaked [#499, !837, !852, Marco Trevisan] * GBytes's are leaked when passed as-is to a function [#539, !837, !852, Marco Trevisan] * Transformed GValues are leaking temporary instances [#540, !837, !852, Marco Trevisan] * GHash value infos are leaked [#541, !837, !852, Marco Trevisan] * "flat" arrays of GObject's are leaked [#542, !837, !852, Marco Trevisan] * * Gjs console leaks invalid option errors [#544, !837, !852, Marco Trevisan]