2.27.3: (unstable): Gio: * Application: Added open(). * ActionGroup: Added list_actions. * DataInputStream: Added read_upto(), read_upto_async() and read_upto_finish(). (Murray Cumming) * DBusConnection: Correct the AsyncInitable inheritance/implementation. * MemoryOutputStream: Added steal_data(), and a const get_data(). * NetworkService: Added get_scheme(), set_scheme() and the property. * Socket: Added get_timeout(), set_timeout(), receive_with_blocking() and send_with_blocking(). (José Alburquerque) * SocketClient: * Add get_enable_proxy(), set_enable_proxy(), get_timeout(), set_timeout() and add_application_proxy(). (José Alburquerque) * Added connect_to_uri(), connect_to_uri_async() and connect_to_uri_finish(). (Murray Cumming) * SocketConnectable: socketconnectable.hg: Added proxy_enumerate() and a const enumerate(). * Added UnixSocketAddress * UnixCredentialMessage, UnixFDMessage: Wrap properties properly. (José Alburquerque) * giomm.h: Add includes of newly wrapped API. (José Alburquerque) Glib: * ObjectBase: Fixed compiler errors when the debug warnings are enabled at compile time. (Krzesimir Nowak)