2.35.9: 2013-03-13 José Alburquerque TlsFileDatabase: Use _WRAP_METHOD() to wrap the create() method. * gio/src/tlsfiledatabase.{ccg,hg}: It can't be properly wrapped using _WRAP_CTOR()/WRAP_CREATE() yet but it can be wrapped using _WRAP_METHOD(). (I don't know why I thought it had to be handwrapped.) 2013-03-12 José Alburquerque TlsFileDatabase: Add a TODO. * gio/src/tlsfiledatabase.hg: 2013-03-12 José Alburquerque TlsFileDatabase: Wrap the create() method. * gio/src/tlsfiledatabase.{ccg,hg}: Manually wrap it because presently the *_new() function does more than call g_initable_new(). 2013-02-26 José Alburquerque Tls*: Add the rest of the (unwrapped) properties, methods and vfuncs. * gio/src/tlscertificate.{ccg,hg}: Wrap the "certificate" property. * gio/src/tlsclientconnection.hg: Add the get_accepted_cas() methods and the "accepted-cas" property. * gio/src/tlsdatabase.hg: Add the lookup_certificates_issued_by*() methods and virtual functions. Correct a TlsCertificate conversion for the virtual functions so that the underlying GObject is properly copied from the C++ wrapper. * tools/m4/convert_gio.m4: Add a ByteArray conversion. * gio/src/tlspassword.hg: Clarify a TODO. * glib/glibmm.h: Add bytes.h and bytearray.h to the includes. 2013-02-25 José Alburquerque glibmm: Add ByteArray. * glib/src/bytearray.{ccg,hg}: * glib/src/filelist.am: Add the new sources for the ByteArray class that wraps GByteArray and include the sources in the build. Some of the GTls* API uses GByteArray so it is necessary to wrap it. * glib/src/glib_extra_objects.defs: Include an object definition for GByteArray to avoid a gmmproc documentation warning. * tools/m4/convert_glib.m4: Add a GByteArray conversion so the sources can be processed properly. 2013-02-25 Pavel Vasin AppInfo::get_all(): Fix ownerships Bug #694505 2013-02-25 José Alburquerque TlsDatabase: Virtual function const correction. * gio/src/tlsdatabase.hg (create_certificate_handle_vfunc): Make it const because it does not modify the database. 2013-02-24 José Alburquerque Tls[Database|Interaction]: Add the virtual functions. * gio/src/tlsdatabase.hg: * gio/src/tlsinteraction.hg: Add the virtual functions. It is necessary to wrap GByteArray to wrap the remaining three virtual functions of TlsDatabase.