
2005-02-18  Murray Cumming  <murrayc@murrayc.com>

	* glib/glibmm/interface.cc: Interface_Class:add_interface(), used by 
	add_interface() methods of Interfaces: Do not add interfaces that 
	have been added before, to avoid the warning from glib. This 
	allows application code to be simpler.

2005-02-18  Murray Cumming  <murrayc@murrayc.com>

	* tools/pm/Output.pm: Add the documentation to the const property() 
	accessor as well as the non-const one.

2005-02-13  Murray Cumming  <murrayc@murrayc.com>

	* tools/extra_defs_gen/generate_extra_defs.cc: Use 
	g_param_spec_get_blurb() to output the documentation for the 
	properties in the .defs file.
	* tools/m4/property.m4: Take an extra docs argument, and put it in the 
	doxygen docs.
	* tools/pm/Output.pm: Add the extra docs argument when calling the 
	property m4 macro.
	* tools/pm/Property.pm: Read in the new docs part of the .defs, and 
	add a period at the end if neccessary.

2005-02-01  Murray Cumming  <murrayc@murrayc.com>

	* examples/threadpool.cc, dispatcher.cc, dispatcher2.cc: Removed the 
	#ifdef for AIX, because sigc::bind now works on AIX.

2005-01-27  Cedric Gustin <cedric.gustin@swing.be>

	* MSVC_Net2003/glibmm/glibmm.rc.in: Reverted to 2.4 for the
	library version number.