================ Version 42.4 ================ - Updated translations - Added various accessibility labels - Initialize locale early About - Don't load version.xml info we don't use Applications - Don't recurse into symlinks when clearing app cache Color - Fix crash when there's no device rows to show Cellular - Improve dbus error messaging - Handle cases when SIM ID is not present - Prevent duplicate entries in the SIM providers list Keyboard - Fix activation of input source toggle button - Fix permission_acquired always returning FALSE Mouse - Set rows as actiavatable widgets Network - Fix crashes when EAP password is missing - Fix wrong signal of SEA password visibility toggle - Prevent crash when disconnecting wifi device - Use mime-types for file chooser filtering TLS files Online Accounts - Fix crash when failing to find GOA helper executable Power - Prevent terminal from getting spammed with ALS logs Printers - Fix loading of UI resources - Show empty-state when removing the last printer Region - Fix creating rows for locales without a country - Fix critical when changing language - Fix permission_acquired always returning FALSE Search - Fix reordering of list rows Users - Show a fallback avatar when failing to load one Wifi - Allow accessing settings of known wifi networks