42.3 ==== * Fix feedback when turning on a11y features by keyboard [Olivier; !2334] * Fix OSD colors with light stylesheet [Jakub; !2315] * Only close messages via delete key if they can be closed [PhilProg; !2323] * Fix screenshots when XDG directories are disabled [Sam; !2327] * Do not create systemd scope for D-Bus activated apps [msizanoen1; !2305] * Improve high-contrast stylesheet [Sam; !2284] * Hide overview after 'Show Details' from app context menu [PhilProg; !2329] * Fix stylesheet papercuts [Sam; !2309] * Respect IM hint for candidates list in on-screen keyboard [Carlos; !2347] * Fix edge case where windows stay dimmed after a modal is closed [Jonas; !2349] * Improve Belgian on-screen keyboard layout [Evert; !2336] * Fix fallback ibus-daemon launching [oreo639; !2345] * Misc. bug fixes [Sebastian, Florian; !2319, !2355] Contributors: Jonas Dreßler, Olivier Fourdan, Carlos Garnacho, Sam Hewitt, Sebastian Keller, Florian Müllner, PhilProg, Evert Provoost, Jakub Steiner, Sam Uong, msizanoen1, oreo639 Translators: Milo Casagrande [it], Jordi Mas [ca]