# Text Editor 42.alpha2 This is our second Alpha release as we progress towards GNOME 42. Please take some time and test the application and submit bug reports. Distributions are encouraged to package GNOME Text Editor so that we can fix any lingering integration issues before the Beta releases. • Mnemonics for the primary menu have be updated to reduce duplicates. • Restoring windows from the session now uses `gtk_window_set_default_size()` and `gtk_window_get_default_size()` to improve the chances we get the proper size restored. There may still be issues on Xorg with GTK 4, but that needs to be addressed in GTK 4. • Paths are now properly expanded/collapsed for `wordexp()` when directories with spaces are used. • A new document properties dialog has been added to get information about the document such as number of words, characters, and lines. • Regex search from the search bar works again. • Spellchecking will now use the `def:misspelled-word` style from the GtkSourceStyleScheme when available, allowing schemes to override styling. • Fix the default style scheme to be Adwaita in gsettings. • You can now navigate and select style schemes with the keyboard in the Preferences dialog. • Always show the current style scheme in Preferences. • Style schemes in Preferences are now sorted in lexicographic form along with the presence of an alternate light/dark style. This should result in similar placement of schemes across application changes to light/dark. • The open popover empty state design has been improved. • Track monospace-font-name from desktop preferences. • Improve recoloring for some style schemes with metadata overrides. • Various macOS build and runtime fixes. • Add light and dark schemes for both Builder and Peninsula. • You can now restore closed pages with Ctrl+Shift+t. • Improve printing support for various fonts, sizing, margins, and more. • Prune discard drafts when cleaning up session. • CSS fixes for integrating with libadwaita and GtkSourceView. • Various Vim emulation improvements. • Text Editor will now prefer "python3" over "python2" when a documents content-type matches `text/x-python`, as that is overwhelmingly what is found in files today. • When windows are restored, they will no longer restore empty drafts, even if they were modified previously (added text then undo/deleted). • The about dialog show now include proper git commit hashes for development builds (`meson configure -Ddevelopment=true`) to aid in users and distributions submitting helpful bug reports. • Translation updates.