News in 1.99.1, 2017-01-26 -------------------------- This is an unstable release leading towards 2.0. The 2.0 stable version will be released at the same time as GNOME 3.24. File loading and saving: * Finish the first usable version of the new GtefFileLoader. * Use etags instead of mtime. * GtefFileSaver: do not use an heuristic to know if it's a "save as" operation. * Add GtefEncoding, a fork of GtkSourceEncoding to suit the needs of the new file loader. * Re-usable code outside of GtkTextView: GtefFileContentLoader and GtefEncodingConverter (private classes). * Various other small improvements. Various features for text editors: * Add GtefBuffer:gtef-style-scheme-id property. * Add gtef_view_select_lines(). * Add gtef_view_goto_line() and gtef_view_goto_line_offset(). * Add gtef_iter_get_line_indentation(). * The GtefInfoBar class has been revamped. Starting a basic GtkUIManager replacement based on GAction: * Add gtef_utils_menu_item_set_icon_name() * Add GtefActionInfo * Add GtefActionInfoStore * Note that those classes are a little out of scope for a text editor library. I would be happy to move those classes to a better library once the feature is finished and well-tested. The classes were added to Gtef for convenience. Framework: * Add gtef namespace to GtefBuffer signals and properties to avoid potential conflicts with future GtkSourceView versions. * Add GtefApplication with gtef_application_get_action_info_store(). Documentation: * Add an intro with the pkg-config name. * List API breaks. Misc: * Improvements to the build system. News in 1.0.0, 2016-10-26 ------------------------- This is the first version of Gtef. File loading and saving: * Save and load file metadata. If GVfs is not available, there is a fallback implementation with an XML file (used e.g. on Windows). * A new file loader based on uchardet (implementation not completely finished). Starting the framework: * GtefBuffer, a subclass of GtkSourceBuffer with additional features. * GtefView, a subclass of GtkSourceView with additional features. * GtefTab, contains a GtefView with GtkInfoBars on top. * GtefInfoBar, a subclass of GtkInfoBar. Starting code folding: * GtefGutterRendererFolds, a basic gutter renderer for code folding. * GtefFoldRegion, a foldable region in a GtkTextBuffer.