Overview of Changes in 4.4.0 ============================ * Input: - Match IBus for display of Compose sequences - Match IBus for handling of mismatches - Handle Escape in Compose sequences - Allow multiple dead keys - Support 32bit keysyms * GtkCheckButton: - Activate when moving focus * GtkLabel: - Propertly ignore double underscores for mnemonics * GtkPopoverMenu: - Fix focus cycling * GtkTextView: - Improve word selection - Fix block cursors on empty lines * GdkToplevel: - Support the gnome-shell titlebar gesture protocol * GdkDropTarget: - Allow creating drop targets in ui files * gsk: - Handle partial color fonts correctly - Use harfbuzz for color font information - Avoid pango for glyph cache rendering - Shrink shadow extents * Settings: - Change the default for gtk-split-cursor to FALSE * Demos: - Small improvements to widget-factory - gtk-demo: Improve the hypertext demo - gtk-dem: Improve the clipboard demo * X11: - Set WM_CLASS on toplevels * Wayland: - Support wl_seat v7 * Windows: - Drop the local DND protocol - Avoid WGL if shaders don't work - Use WinPointer API * Translation updates: Belarusian Friulian Hebrew Khmer Persian Polish