2.21.7 (unstable): Gtk: * Button: Added get_event_window(). * Expander: Added get/set_label_fill() and property. * Notebook: - Deprecated pages(). - Added get_tab_hborder() and get_tab_vborder(). * PrintUnixDialog: Added get_manual_capabilities(). * StatusBar: Added remove_all_messages(). * Table: - Deprecated children(). - Added get_size(). * TextView: Added get_hadjustment(), get_vadjustment(), im_context_filter_keypress(), reset_im_context(). * Viewport: Added get_view_window(). * Widget: - Added send_focus_change(). - Added const version of get_accessible(). Gdk: * Color: Deprecate rgb_find_color(). * Cursor: Added get_cursor_type(). * Device: Added get_key(), get_axis_use(), get_n_axes(). * RgbCMap: Deprecated. * Window: Added get_composited(), is_input_only(), is_shaped(), has_native(), get_modal_hint(), get_background_pattern(), coords_to_parent(), coords_from_parent(), get_effective_parent(), get_effective_toplevel(), create_similar_surface(), get_accept_focus(), get_focus_on_map(). Build: * MSVC++ and installer fixes. (Armin Burgmeier)