2.5.3: * Builds against the final GTK+ 2.6 API. Gtk: * CellRenderer.hg: Added stop_editing() which replaces the now-deprecated editing_cancelled(). * CellView: Inherit from CellLayout. Removed set_value(). Added convenience constructors. * FileChooserButton.hg: Added action parameters to constructors. * IconView: Added get/set_columns(), get/set_item_width(), get/set_spacing(), get/set_row_spacing(), get/set_column_spacing(), get/set_margin(). * Label: Added get/set_max_chars_width(), and property. * TextView: Added get_iter_at_position(). Gdk: * Pixbuf: Added create_from_file() overload that takes height and width. (Murray Cumming) Documentation: * Reference API: Re-extracted C docs, so that the new API will be automatically documented. (Murray Cumming) * examples: - input: Use Glib::IOChannel. (Claudio Saavedra)