3.91.1 (unstable) * Adapt to new-style enum values. (Murray Cumming) * Use gtksourceview-4 instead of gtksourceview-3.0, and change ABI from gtksourceviewmm-3.0 to gtksourceviewmm-4.0. (Murray Cumming) https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtksourceviewmm/issues/1 (Jeremy Bicha) * StyleSchemeChooserWidget: Correct the underlying GType name. (Kip Warner) Bug #793204 * Completion: - Remove get/set_draw_spaces(). - show(): Rename to start(). (Murray Cumming) * tests: - Remove Gtk::Container::show_all() calls. - Avoid deprecated Gtk::HBox and Gtk::VBox. - Use the libsigc++-3.0 syntax. (Murray Cumming) * Remove deprecated API. (Murray Cumming)