================ Version 1.3.beta ================ - AboutWindow - Prevent double clicks from opening troubleshooting page - Fix a GTK 4.9.x deprecation - AdwActionRow - Add :subtitle-selectable - AdwAnimation - Add :follow-enable-animations-setting - AdwBanner - Sizing fixes - AdwEntryRow - Make accessible - AdwLeaflet - Fix can-unfold=false - AdwMessageDialog - Increase spacing when heading or body are missing - AdwSpringAnimation - Add calculate_value() and calculate_velocity() - Fix unsafe float comparisons - Fix critical damping velocity - AdwStyleManager - Support color schemes and high contrast on Windows - AdwSwipeable - Fix get_swipe_area() fallback - AdwTabBar, AdwTabOverview - Emit ::extra-drag-value on ::enter - AdwTabButton - Fix needs-attention dot after viewing AdwTabPages in inspector - Fix warning when building in Visual Studio - AdwTabView - Make accessible - AdwToastOverlay - Don't focus buttons on click - Prevent toast labels from wrapping - AdwViewStack - Make accessible - Demo - Don't follow "enable animations" setting for the demo animation - Fix the switch on the avatar page - Stylesheet - Style GtkMenuBar like header bars and similar widgets - Add minimum width to menu popovers - Fix GtkLevelBar fill colors - Fix GtkFileDialog path bar padding - Fix GtkAssistant sidebar color - Support marked days in GtkCalendar - Documentation fixes - Translation updates - Basque - Catalan - Galician - Georgian - German - Greek - Indonesian - Persian - Portuguese - Ukrainian