libchamplain 0.4.3 (2010-01-09) =============================== Stable release GObject-introspection, Python (Victor Godoy Poluceno) and Perl (Emmanuel Rodriguez) bindings are in a working state. Additions: * A scale (Tollef Fog Heen and Pierre-Luc Beaudoin) * User configurable additional license text to view * An option to highligh points in Polygons (Andreas Henriksson) Fixes: * Also report as loading when validating the cache * Debian Bug #555082: fix linking with gold (Laurent Bigonville) * 604784: SIGSEGV in function cairo_set_operator * Fix segfault when polygon has been delete before redraw * Make queue_redraw visible to subclasses * Some memory usage improvements by reusing images already loaded * Don't eat clicks on the map when using ChamplainSelectionLayer