3.99.11: 2009-02-06 Murray Cumming * libgda/src/libgda_methods.defs: * libgda/src/libgda_signals.defs: Regenerated. 2009-02-06 Murray Cumming * libgda/src/datahandler.hg: * libgda/src/datamodel.hg: DataHandlerClass and DataModelClass were renamed to DataHandlerIface and DataModelIface in libgda. Adapted to fix the build. 2009-01-30 Murray Cumming * libgda/src/libgda_methods.defs: Regenerated. * libgda/src/datahandler.hg: Removed get_nb_g_types() and get_g_type_index() because the C functions were removed from libgda. 2009-01-27 Murray Cumming * libgda/src/set.[hg|ccg]: Rename add_holder(string, value) to add_holder_as_value(). Added a templated add_holder(string, T), to make application code less annoying. 2009-01-27 Murray Cumming * libgda/src/serverprovider.[hg|ccg]: Add a create_operation() overload that takes no parameters. 2009-01-27 Johannes Schmid * libgda/src/holder.hg (set_value): Don't call set_value() recursively 2009-01-24 Deng Xiyue * Change license header to mention Lesser General Public License version 2.1 instead of Library General Public License, to be consistent with COPYING. 2009-01-26 Murray Cumming * libgda/src/holder.hg: set_value(): Renamed to set_value_as_value(). Added a templated set_value() method, to simplify application code. 2009-01-26 Johannes Schmid * libgda/src/set.ccg: * libgda/src/set.hg: Added add_holder(id, value) as convenience shortcut 2009-01-24 Murray Cumming * libgda/src/holder.hg: copy(): Make this const. get_bind(): Use refreturn and add a const overload. 2009-01-22 Murray Cumming * libgda/src/statement.ccg: * libgda/src/statement.hg: Rename to_sql_extended() to to_sql(). Use Glib::convert_return_gchar_ptr_to_ustring() instead of leaking the string. Added an overload with no arguments. Made them all const. 2009-01-22 Johannes Schmid * libgda/src/set.hg(get_holder): * libgda/src/statement.ccg (get_parameters()): Fixed more reference problems 2009-01-21 Johannes Schmid * libgda/src/connection.ccg: * libgda/src/connection.hg: Created version with last_inserted_row of statement_execute_non_select() * libgda/src/statement.ccg: Take a copy of the GdaSet in get_parameters() because we get a reference problem otherwise 2009-01-21 Johannes Schmid * libgda/src/holder.ccg: * libgda/src/holder.hg: * libgda/src/statement.hg: Wrapped GdaHolderError and GdaStatementError 2009-01-20 Johannes Schmid * libgda/src/libgda_enums.defs: * libgda/src/libgda_methods.defs: * libgda/src/libgda_signals.defs: Regenerated * libgda/src/sqlparser.hg: * tools/m4/convert_libgdamm.m4: Wrap GdaSqlParserError