============== Version 1.1.90 ============== - Add HdyFlap, allowing to have adaptive tab bars and header bars. - Add HdyTabBar and HdyTabView, offering a modern tab bar. - Add HdyStatusPage, a convenient widget for welcome pages, empty state pages, or error pages. - HdyAvatar: - Add the loadable-icon property to allow setting a GLoadableIcon as the avatar picture. - Deprecate hdy_avatar_set_image_load_func() in favor of the loadable-icon property. - Add hdy_avatar_draw_to_pixbuf() and hdy_avatar_draw_to_pixbuf_async() to export the avatar as a GdkPixbuf. - Take CSS sizing properties into account. - HdyPreferencesWindow: - Use HdyStatusPage as the empty search result page to standardize the page's look. - HdyPreferencesPage: - Propagate the natural height of the scrolled content. - Make the scrolled window automatically follow the focus. - Implement the margins via CSS so applications can override them. - Make the margins adapt to the available width. - HdyPreferencesGroup: - Allow navigating out of the listbox. - Wrap labels on words or characters, preventing long words from breaking the UI. - Take CSS sizing properties into account. - Implement the margins via CSS so applications can override them. - Refine the spacing. - Protect against gtk_widget_show_all(). - Fix a leak when destroying the widget. - Add accessibility relationships for the title. - HdyClamp: - Fix measuring the widget even without a child. - Take CSS sizing properties into account.