Version 2.41.1 - The feConvolveMatrix filter primitive wasn't being rendered at all; now it works. - Pattern specifications can now have a fallback color, per the spec - - Tests now use a very basic form of reproducible font rendering. This means that "make check" should pass even if you have a custom Fontconfig setup. - Fixed recursive fallbacks in gradients. - Per the spec, we now don't render elements which have invalid attributes. - Windows build: support building with Fontconfig; support Visual Studio 2017; generate .pc files upon install (Chun-wei Fan) - Fixed bgo#621088 - Text elements can now be used as clipping paths. - Fixed bgo#587721 - Fix rendering of text elements with transformations (Massimo) - Fixed bgo#776932 - Don't crash on elements with an invalid "transform" attribute. - Fixed bgo#777155 - Ignore patterns that have close-to-zero dimensions. - Fixed bgo#776297 - Don't render markers for rect / circle elements; fix marker angles in some cases (Massimo). - Fixed bgo#777834 - Don't crash when rendering text with empty extents. - Fixed bgo#634324 - Gaussian blur with negative-scaling transformation was being rendered incorrectly. - Fixed bgo#783835 - Don't divide by zero in Gaussian blurs - Fixed division by zero in feTile filter when the input surface is empty. - Fixed bgo#779489 - Link to pangoft2 as required. - Don't crash in filters when one of them yields an invalid surface for an intermediate result. - Update for bgo#778666 - Use our own thumbnailer specification file (Jeremy Bicha). - Fixed bgo#782098 - Don't pass deprecated options to gtkdoc-scangobj (Ting-Wei Lan). - Fixed bgo#777833 - Various memory leaks (Philip Withnall, Federico Mena) - Fixed bgo#786372 - Use the correct default for the style element's "type" attribute. - Fixed bgo#634514 - Don't render unknown elements and their children. - Fix parsing of "azimuth", "elevation", "limitingConeAngle" for filter effects. - Fixed bgo#785276 - Don't crash on empty or single-byte files. - Made the element work; SVG feature names were being tested incorrectly. - Fixed a few cases of uninitialized struct fields. - Code converted to Rust: preserveAspectRatio attribute, viewBox attribute, core Node structure, path/line/rect/circle/ellipse basic shapes, group/defs/switch/svg/use/symbol structural elements, pattern element and pattern fallbacks, marker rendering, various parsers, error propagation from parsers, gradient stops, gradient element, - Added a bunch of new test cases for the new features and the code converted to Rust. - We now require cairo-rs 0.2.0 - We now require lalrpop 0.13.1 - The librsvg tarball now comes with the Rust dependencies embedded using "cargo vendor". Linux distros can replace these dependencies with their own versions using the infrastructure described in