Changes in libsoup from 2.49.1 to 2.49.91: * WebSockets! Libsoup now has support for WebSockets in both SoupSession and SoupServer. [#627738, Dan Winship and Lionel Landwerlin, based on code from the Cockpit project] * Added support for NTLMv2 Session Security to SoupAuthNTLM. (This is transparent to the app/user; if the server supports it, it will be used.) [#739192, Adam Seering] * Added soup_server_accept_iostream() to allow feeding a non-GSocketConnection GIOStream to SoupServer (eg, when accepting HTTP requests on some other sort of connection). [#744186, Marc-André Lureau] * Added soup_session_steal_connection() and soup_client_context_steal_connection(), to allow you to steal a GIOStream from a SoupSession or SoupServer and then use it for non-HTTP purposes. [#721343, Dan Winship] * Added soup_server_add_early_handler(), for adding SoupServer handlers to run at :got-headers time rather than :got-body (eg, to set up a streaming read of the request body). [#625645, Dan Winship] * Added a new SOUP_MESSAGE_IGNORE_CONNECTION_LIMITS flag, which can be used to bypass SoupSession:max-conns and SoupSession:max-conns-per-host on a per-message basis. [#744720, Carlos Garcia Campos] * Multiple SoupCache fixes from Carlos Garcia Campos: * Leaked resources are now cleaned up when opening the cache. [#667682] * The "Age" header is no longer added to cached responses. [#741108] * Fixed the interpretation of the "must-revalidate" directive to not be stricter than required. [#744468] * Messages retrieved from cache now behave slightly more like non-cache messages in terms of SoupSession signals and timing. [#744788] Additionally, there is a new SoupMessage::starting signal, which is like SoupSession::request-started, but emitted for cached resources as well. [#731153] * Fixed soup_session_cancel_message() to work reliably on paused messages. [#745094, Sven Neumann] * Added code-coverage support to the build. [#744744, Marc-André Lureau] * Fixed the library symbol check in "make check" to work when building with linker options that result in slightly different organization. [#741348, Iain Lane] * Added a hack to SoupSessionFeature so that people will stop re-reporting an old Eclipse bug against libsoup. [#710242] * Miscellaneous bug and leak fixes in the test programs, leak fixes in libsoup, and documentation updates. * Updated translations: Brazilian Portuguese, French, Galician, Hungarian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Turkish