Overview of changes between 1.19.1 and 1.19.2 ============================================== - Render a crossed box for each invalid input byte to pango_layout_set_text(). Previously we rendered an ASCII question mark instead. The crossed box has a glyph of value of PANGO_GLYPH_INVALID_INPUT. - Use pkg-config to detect cairo features [Benjamin Otte] - Improved docs. Particularly, examples/cairo*.c have inline docs now. - New public macro: PANGO_GLYPH_INVALID_INPUT - Bugs fixed in this release: Bug 502926 – pango-1.16.4 configure bug: can fail to accept cairo Bug 399573 – replace strtoul in pango-markup.c with pango_scan_int() Bug 478914 – Use something invalid instead of '?' when validating input text Bug 501938 – Arabic shaping broken with vertical layout with vertical-hint=line Bug 501575 – Compile errors Patch from Jens Granseuer