commit fd429398a64bc2d7a01da64efa736bbb6eec6a29
Author: Matthias Clasen <>
Date:   Mon Sep 4 10:51:29 2017 -0400


 NEWS         | 5 +++++ | 2 +-  | 2 +-
 3 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

commit 9e16ddd446f19cd4c9cf18736b860d4c40248000
Author: Akira TAGOH <>
Date:   Tue Aug 29 19:55:51 2017 +0900

    Fix multilib issue in pango-enum-types.h.template

 pango/pango-enum-types.h.template | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

commit 33c10cb0c40503630146e4d32de807728d99ab0c
Author: Peng Wu <>
Date:   Wed Aug 16 15:02:36 2017 +0800

    Fix pango_default_break function for sentence start/end

    Skip the space characters in sentence start/end.

 pango/break.c | 39 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 29 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

commit 1377d3cf8219cf41e3bacd2eaa848a92009eaa1f
Author: Chun-wei Fan <>
Date:   Fri Aug 25 18:22:23 2017 +0800

    build: Update MSVC build docs for introspection

    Let people know about the situation where one is able to build the
    introspection files directly from within the Visual Studio projects.

 win32/vs10/README.txt | 16 ++++++++++++++++
 win32/vs9/README.txt  | 16 ++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 32 insertions(+)

commit 346c60ba0e13aeb5baf2d8e24ff121cb8d2ee64e
Author: Chun-wei Fan <>
Date:   Fri Aug 25 15:08:29 2017 +0800

    build: Integrate introspection build in MSVC projects

    This adds the introspection NMake Makefiles buildable from within the
    Visual Studio projects, so that the whole Visual Studio build process
    would be simplified.  At its current state, this will build the
    introspection files for PangoCairo and Pango, but does not include
    PangoFT2 support, so this is not supported in the [Release|Debug]_FC
    configs.  For this to work, one needs to have a complete installation
    GObject-introspection in $(GlibEtcInstallRoot), and will need
    to ensure
    that PythonDir (or PythonDirX64 on x64 systems) corresponds to the
    same Python series that was used to build GObject-Introspection.

    This needs to be built (and cleaned) separately as this is not
    built by
    default, by building/cleaning the pango-introspect project directly.

    In this commit, also rename the PythonPath entries in the projects and
    property sheets, so that we avoid getting confused with the PYTHONPATH
    envvar; and for Visual Studio 201x builds, we use Python 3.4.x by
    default 2010, 2012 and 2013, and 3.6.x by default for 2015 and
    2017, as
    what is done now in GObject-Introspection projects.

 win32/vs10/                   |   1 +
 win32/vs10/pango-build-defines.props     |  10 +++
 win32/vs10/pango-install.propsin         |   4 +-
 win32/vs10/pango-introspect.vcxproj      | 103
 win32/vs10/  |  24 +++++--
 win32/vs10/pango.sln                     |   6 ++
 win32/vs11/                   |   1 +
 win32/vs12/                   |   1 +
 win32/vs14/                   |   1 +
 win32/vs15/                   |   1 +
 win32/vs9/                    |   1 +
 win32/vs9/pango-build-defines.vsprops    |   8 +++
 win32/vs9/pango-install.vspropsin        |   4 +-
 win32/vs9/pango-introspect.vcproj        |  76 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 win32/vs9/ |  14 ++++-
 win32/vs9/pango.sln                      |   9 +++
 16 files changed, 251 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)