2.50.0 (stable): * AttrList: Add get_attributes(), update(), equal() (Kjell Ahlstedt) Issue #12 (misos1) * Make CairoFontMap::set_resolution() usable by adding the CairoFontMapImpl class (Kjell Ahlstedt) Issue #15 (Ievgenii Meshcheriakov) * Add FontMap::get_family() (Kjell Ahlstedt) * AttrList: Add to_string() and from_string() Attribute: Add TextTransform, BaselineShift and FontScle enums and some create_attr_*() methods (Kjell Ahlstedt) Build: * Don't include individual pango headers (Matthias Clasen, Kjell Ahlstedt) Merge request !22 * Support Visual Studio 2022 builds (Chun-wei Fan) * Require pango >= 1.49.4 (Kjell Ahlstedt)