2015-04-09 Carlos Garnacho <carlosg@gnome.org> Release 1.2.6 Make distcheck pass These generated files shouldn't end up in POTFILES.skip, it's less of a pain though than moving the generation of these files to Makefiles so we can clean these up properly. tracker-extract-epub: Ensure we only have one nie:identifier This property has maxCardinality=1, we are however possibly adding multiple values there, either in both UUID/ISBN forms, or as multiple UUIDs in faulty epubs. ISBN should probably be its own rdf:Property, in the mean time, stick to the first nie:identifier found, and ignore the rest. https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=746401 2015-04-09 Kunaal <kunaalus@gmail.com> tracker-needle: Fix for ambigous references Glib now has a new class Glib.ListStore, which creates a conflict in Vala. https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=746194 tracker-needle: ambigious references Glib now has a new class Glib.ListStore, which creates a conflict in Vala. https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=746194 2015-03-21 Anders Jonsson <anders.jonsson@norsjovallen.se> Updated Swedish translation 2015-03-15 Matej Urbančič <mateju@svn.gnome.org> Updated Slovenian translation 2015-03-14 Samir Ribic <samir.ribic@etf.unsa.ba> Added Bosnian translation 2015-03-07 Andrej Žnidaršič <andrej.znidarsic@gmail.com> Updated Slovenian translation 2015-01-17 Aurimas Černius <aurisc4@gmail.com> Updated Lithuanian translation 2015-01-13 Debarshi Ray <debarshir@gnome.org> libtracker-miner: Restrict the amount of data that is logged for errors SPARQL update strings can be very long if the entire text of a document is being stored. Dumping these huge strings to the log eats up disk space and makes them harder to follow. However, often, the occurence of such an error indicates a broken extractor. In those cases, knowing part of the SPARQL can help in identifying the file that triggered the error. Usually the "nie:plainTextContent" property is the last one in the string, so we truncate the error messages at the first occurance of this property to achieve the best of both worlds. https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=735406 2014-12-31 Sam Thursfield <ssssam@gmail.com> sandbox: Change how content directory is specified Firstly, allow specifying multiple --content options, and allow specifying --content-non-recursive if you really want as well. Also, don't generate an XDG user directories config. It seems a bit weird to be doing this and setting each directory to the same location. 2014-12-29 Tim Lunn <tim@feathertop.org> libtracker-extract: fix logic in guarantee title from file https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=742035 libtracker-extract: fix crash when running unit tests media_art_process is not set when running tracker-extract-info tests https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=742035 2014-12-27 Dušan Kazik <prescott66@gmail.com> Updated Slovak translation 2014-12-23 Christian Kirbach <Christian.Kirbach@gmail.com> Updated German translation 2014-12-20 Martin Kampas <martin.kampas@tieto.com> miner-fs: Remove unused argument is_new https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=678986 miner-fs: Fix tracking file move Identified by MinerCrawlTest::test_07_move_from_monitored_to_monitored (300-miner-basic-ops.py) In item_move() it fails to get source_iri, does not check it's validity and uses it in the DELETE expression of the SPARQL query constructed there. Broken since d836f00 (libtracker-miner: Store iri transiently as GFile qdata) - tracker_file_notifier_get_file_iri() is added 'force' argument and (wrapped with lookup_file_urn) passed force=FALSE from item_move(). This call then fails for regular files because only directories are cached once crawling has completed as stated in the comment in finish_current_directory() in libtracker-miner/tracker-file-notifier.c. https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=678986 2014-12-20 Balázs Úr <urbalazs@gmail.com> Updated Hungarian translation 2014-12-18 Мирослав Николић <miroslavnikolic@rocketmail.com> Updated Serbian translation 2014-12-15 Marek Černocký <marek@manet.cz> Updated Czech translation 2014-12-15 Rafael Ferreira <rafael.f.f1@gmail.com> Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation 2014-12-12 Andika Triwidada <andika@gmail.com> Updated Indonesian translation 2014-12-10 Piotr Drąg <piotrdrag@gmail.com> Updated Polish translation