NEW in 3.3.0.alpha - 2022-01-09 =============================== * Add more specific error codes for problems found updating a database to new ontology changes. * Add method to create a TrackerStatement from a GResource file * Fix 0-len matches in ? and * property path operators * Handle query cancellation in TrackerEndpointDBus * Consistency fixes to TrackerSparqlStatement API in all connection types * Deprecate tracker_namespace_manager_get_default(), use tracker_sparql_connection_get_namespace_manager() instead * Fix rare crash when concurrently querying the database while a graph is being created/deleted. * Add TRACKER_SPARQL_CONNECTION_ANONYMOUS_BNODES flag to optionally enable a treatment of blank nodes that is compliant with the SPARQL 1.1 specs. * Documentation improvements * Fix spurious locking errors with in-memory databases * Fixes to CLI tools detection on NixOS Translations: fur, id