Vala 0.41.90 ============ * Highlights - Reintroduce POSIX profile - parser: Add support for explicit "unlock" syntax - vala: Support anonymous definitions of delegates in bindings - codegen: Support automatic properties as GtkChild - codegen: Apply G_PARAM_EXPLICIT_NOTIFY on properties with "notify = false" - codegen: Drop support for non-auto property initializer in gobjects - codegen: Avoid using deprecated "g_type_class_add_private" * Various bug fixes: - vala: Constants and signals are not lockable - codegen: Don't apply ref_sink_function if target_type is floating_reference - vala: Treat floating method-return-type as nullable if error may be thrown - vala: Transfer floating-reference attribute while casting - analyzer: Break cyclic references of BasicBlock - vala: Break reference chain between DataType and Symbol if possible - codegen: Fix invocation of abstract/virtual methods with NoWrapper in compact classes - vala: Report error for invalid base access in method/property of compact class - libvaladoc: Replace void* with corresponding Vala API - codegen: Don't include the full absolute path in line directives - codegen: Add source_reference to unsupported floating reference error * Bindings: - gobject-2.0: Make GLib.Signal a struct of uint and bind g_signal_new* - clutter-1.0: Change type of Clutter.Key.* constants to uint - gdk-3.0: Change type of Gdk.Key.* constants to uint - gtk+-4.0: Change type of Gdk.Key.* constants to uint - gstreamer: Update from 1.15+ git master - webkit2gtk-4.0: Add JSC namespace to javascriptcoregtk-4.0 and fix depends - Remove clutter-gst-1.0, GStreamer 0.10, rest-0.6, tracker-indexer-module-1.0, libsoup-2.2, gdu and gdu-gtk, twitter-glib-1.0, mx-1.0 - Remove vala-specific deprecations <= vala-0.22